Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gram Crackers?

Gramaw + Craker. A racist, old, white person. Works for Male and Female.

Betty Brown is a Gram-cracker that wants Asian-Americans to have more Americanized names that are "easier" to say. Good luck, Betty Brown.

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Gram Crackers - video


Gram Crackers - what is it?

Gram cracker is a meaning for instagram

The Gram cracker saw my photos first

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What does "Gram Crackers" mean?

A commercial space clearly designed so Instagram addicts can congregate, often to take selfies inside or around the venue.
A common decoration combination includes neon signs, pastel colors, striped or checkered patterns, and large potted plants.

There's nowhere good to eat in SoHo. It's just a bunch of gram cracker dens where you choose between bowls and salads.

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Gram Crackers - what does it mean?

Nichole is a gram crack!

if were crackers then u must be a ... gram cracker!

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Gram Crackers - meaning

Instagraming for a lengthy amount of of time

Quit gram crackering fag

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Gram Crackers - definition

A term given to Caucasian pseudo-gangsters that always keep a single gram of marijuana in possession to convince others they're "stoners".

Hey man, did you see Tymon and his buddies waving that dime bag around? What a bunch of gram crackers.

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Gram Crackers - slang

A blunt or joint with exactly a gram of bangin bud.

Light up that Gram Cracker!

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Gram Crackers

A term for someone who is of mixed race (black and white).
"Gram" meaning brown and "cracker" meaning white

Halle Barry is a gram cracker

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Gram Crackers

A person who is like a crack head with weed. i.e. would short you a gram of weed when selling a bag.

Man, that gram cracker sold me a 2.5 gram eighth!

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Gram Crackers

Someone who posts too many selfies on Instagram. Usually in a very intense and habitual manner.

Oh my gosh. Did you see how many selfies Heather posted on IG today?

Yeah she's a gram cracker.

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