Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Goudie?

Someone who specialises in making Goudies. VERY RARE. You are only born a Goudy Stout, you can never become one. Overall normal people, only difference is they make Goudies.
Named after the microsoft font.

“Hey John make me a Goudy!”
You idiot, John isn’t a Goudy Stout”
Oh damn

👍27 👎13

Goudie - meme gif

Goudie meme gif

Goudie - video


Goudie - what is it?

Hideously repulsive person with poor social interaction skills. name is given after font found in word which displays the fatness of that person.

Can be used as a nickname.

Oh look there is goudy stout (i.e. there is a person that is hideous)

Oh that girl is a complete goudy stout!!!

👍51 👎33

What does "Goudie" mean?

a six year old who lives aquatically.

hi fred goudie. bye fred goudie. go away fred goudie. stop swimming fred goudie.

👍35 👎13

Goudie - what does it mean?

where dat man tryna get he stick in

yo man you girl hot?" "ho yeah imma had dat goudy hole TONIGHT

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Goudie - meaning

Someone that has a severe case of AIDS, transmitted between 2 men or a man and an animal.

Goudy has AIDS.

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Goudie - definition

Refers to a jacked individual. Such individuals are often seen in gyms and working as doormen.

"Man, did you check out that goudy?"

"John's got goudy, man!"

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Goudie - slang

Goudie is a pig faced arrogent ugly smelly chick who whores herself to anything that walks. Usually hated by many.

Wow that bitch is one hell of a goudie.

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n., adj.
(1) Anything thats anywhere between a little bit weird and totally outrageous, but is so great it causes spontaneous orgasms
(2) a gratifuck; an uncontrollable desire to sexually gratify someone as a method of thanks

guy: it was so goudie i totally ejaculated in my pants
girl: i know, i'm so wet from all the goudie

bro1: christmas dinner was so great i wanted to goudie aunt bessie
bro2: sick but true

girl: You're such a good friend!
guy: its the least i could do...
girl: i'm gonna goudie your brains out!
guy: cool, take your shirt off.

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