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What is Google translate?

A website that you can translate any word

Me:searches up " Google Translate "
Also me:*translates Urban Dictionary into german"
Translation:urbanes W枚rterbuch
Me: wtf

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Google translate - video

Google translate - what is it?

To ask for for identification for a mumbled sentence or a clearer definition of what is being said to you.

(1) Melissa: So you know when a box is a circle, and a circle is a triangle?

Abby: Google translate?


(2) Jordon: *grumble grumble grumble*

John: Google translate?

Jordon: I hate my life.

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What does "Google translate" mean?

The default translator for all foreign language classes' homework assignments.

Mike: Dude, how did you know how to say that so perfectly in your Spanish essay?
Derek: I just used Google Translate.

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Google translate - what does it mean?

A site that has single handedly saved my foreign language grade

Google Translate: A a guardian watching over me

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Google translate - meaning

1). A translator system. Used to communicate of understand other languages.

Automatically doing useless foreign language homework for many kids across the world. All you have to do is type a paragraph of your own language.

Booby: Dude, I used google translate for my french homework and got an A+!!

Kipsy: Nice man, I'm gonna do it.

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Google translate - definition

The language tools provided on the google website for translating foreign languages. Has the innate ability to turn even the most coherent sentence into a pile of festering illiterate shit

Before GT
"You rescued me, but it appears that general grievous has escaped again"

After GT
"It stored it, but this one appears like this one, consequently which has it fuoriuscito the painful General per other hour"

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Google translate - slang

Google's free service to produce random sentences in the language of your choosing. Google translator is intended for the usage of business professionals who need to generate placeholder text in different languages.

Before Google Translator: Hello, how are you?
After Google Translator: Hello and I am you are I are?

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Google translate

Something that鈥檚 supposed to be used to translate text between languages but then screws everything up.

Person one: what鈥檚 google translate?
Person two: something that screws everything up?
Person one: so it鈥檚 like me?

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Google translate

A web translator that gets it's job done, but can sometimes give you some questionable results.

You can get these by typing in things like:
1. two or three letters over and over (aoaoaoaoao)
2. phonetic letters
3. long sentences

Person 1: Hey man! I just learned some Japanese!

Person 2: Then say something.

Person 1: Ok! 銇点伒銇点伒銇点伒銇点伒銇点伒銇点伒銇点伒銇点伒銇点伒銇点伒銇点伒銇点伒銇点伒銇点伒銇点伒 fufufufu...

Person 2: What does that mean?

Person 1: From here it's just two miles to the hotel that has been refurbished.

Person 2: Were you screwing with Google Translate again?

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Google translate

Can be used for homework or finding out languages but repetitively typing two letters then a space exampl qw ) will get you some creepy ass shit

Mike: Google translate is odd dude

Joe: I know right

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