Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gock?

Slang for Girl Cock.

Typically used to sexually describe a Femboy or Transgender Individuals Penis.

Fuck! Her Gock is bigger then mine!!?

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Gock - meme gif

Gock meme gif

Gock - video


Gock - what is it?

Gut over the cock area

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What does "Gock" mean?

Bulging area found on men between the waist and the genital area. Term is rerived from "cock" and "gut"

Fatty Arbuckle has a HUGE gock!

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Gock - what does it mean?

Male gunt

Look at the gock on that guy

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Gock - meaning

Girl cock

Damn, she has a HUGE gock

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Gock - definition

Word used on the internet to describe girl cock.

"jenny has the biggest gock"

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Gock - slang

Combination of the words β€œgirl” and β€œcock”, used in reference to a woman’s penis.

Girl: Ughhh, I hate that I have a gock. Even tho it’s small and most guys think it’s cute.

Guy: It’s okay, no need to be ashamed of having a gock. They’re just genitals.
Girl: You’re right! Thanks

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A trans woman's cock.

She slid her gock down my throat.

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In 2021, the current urban definition of gock that is accepted amongst most of youth culture, refers to the cock of a transgender woman. An abbreviation of girl and cock. Gock.

Turns out my date last night was packin'. Gorgeous gock. I got gocked good.

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A portmanteau of girl and cock. Used to define the feminine penis

Lemme suck ya gock girl.

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