Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gobblers?

The act of cumming on a girl's chest, dipping your balls in it, and letting her suck it off.

Guy 1: Pat gave Susie The Gobbler!
Guy 2: SWEET!

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Gobblers - meme gif

Gobblers meme gif

Gobblers - video


Gobblers - what is it?

noun: any excess of skin that hangs from something's neck

Old Man Jenkins and his pet turkey have massive gobblers.

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What does "Gobblers" mean?

Someone with a fondness for fellatio

The young electrician was known as the best gobbler in the adult bookstore!

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Gobblers - what does it mean?

An unusually long flap of skin that hangs from a girls kooter.

"Ahhhh...Amber has a gobbler!!"

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Gobblers - meaning

A promiscuous member of the male homosexual community; they are particularly renowned for paid sex acts in public toilet facilities.

The term originating in South Wales, they have become a particular scourge in the 2000s having been responsible for the rapid spread of herpes in the region.

Owain: "Fancy engaging in some gobbling tonight?"

Aled: "Don't touch me you filthy gobbler."

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Gobblers - definition

A term used for a student at Lancaster university when visiting York for the Roses tournament. The student then gets a bit excited and proceeds to provide oral services.

1) Communal Area is a must.
2) Party Rock Anthem should be played for maximum effect.
3) "EVERYDAY I'M GOBBLING" is the catchphrase for said student.

Girl: *Comes up for air* "EVERYDAY I'M GOBBLING" *to the tune of party rock anthem*
Boy: Legend.
Boy 2: What a gobbler!!
Girl: *Continues to the task at hand (and mouth)*

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Gobblers - slang

1. Someone who eats a lot and/or quickly.

2. Slang for a turkey (bird) because of the sound they make.

Bandit is such a gobbler, his food is gone almost instantly!

In Muskegon we have many gobblers (turkeys) roaming around looking for food. Yum, Thanksgiving!

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When someone grabs a guy's balls from behind, in between his legs, and lifts. The guy is suspended in the air momentarily and isn't sure what to do. Usually, he jumps.

That guy just got gobblered, he didn't even know what to do!!!!!!

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When going down on a woman, right before she climaxes you start making turkey gobble noises with your tongue while continuing to make her climax.

I was with Molly last night and right before she climaxed I used The Gobbler. Man, she loved it.

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Another word for crazy or insane. Sort of like the concept of getting attacked by a flock of gobbling turkeys.

Guy 1: My girlfriend just got eaten by a giant squid!

Guy 2: That's gobblers!

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