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What is Goat cheese?

The gayest sexual maneuver possible. Often resulting in trauma to the eyes and face.

Coined by Adam Carolla while describing his experiences on Celebrity Apprentice. Clay Aiken may have been involved.

"After an extended Rusty Trombone, he gave me the ol' Goat Cheese Hoagie and fractured my orbital socket."

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Goat cheese - video


Goat cheese - what is it?

The act of jacking off a male goat and milking a female goat and mixing the two excretions into a tangy sauce great for vegetarians dishes such as organic tofu sliders

Hey Oscar, are you jerking off that goat to make Hungarian Goat Cheese for dinner tonight?

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What does "Goat cheese" mean?

Goat cheese omelet is just another name for weed

Yo pass me the goat cheese omelet

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Goat cheese - what does it mean?

its a milkshake with goat cheese. what else?

"I had a great goat cheese milkshake yesterday"

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Goat cheese - meaning

The best type of cheese ever invented, if not one of the greatest objects of all time. Also, one of the few good things to come out of France.

Fried goat cheese is also a lesser known cure for vampirimism. It has not yet been tried on a werewolf.

Colin: Have you played the new Burnout game?
James: Yeah, it's possibly the best thing since fried goat cheese.

John: My friend just got bit by a vampire.
James: Give him some fried goat cheese.

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Goat cheese - definition

Slang for marijuana.

"Ganja? The Devil's Lettuce? Sticky Icky? Daddy Boom-balatti? Turtle, Hot Snookum, Goat Cheese Omelette, Snoop's Bunion!" -Connie, the Hormone Monstress (Big Mouth, Netflix 2017)

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Goat cheese - slang

Derived from "fo sheeze" when it was misheard.

"Goat cheese, I'll be going to the party tonight."

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Goat cheese

A man/woman that has'nt taken a shower for 3 days.

"Man,i party hard for 3 days,and my balls probably smell like goat cheese!"

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Goat cheese

1. Derived from the smell that commonly permeates from a dirty woman's vagina.

2. Associated with the thought of a hungry,"man eating vagina," usually found with women who have camel toes.

3. A female public accountants favorite cheese.

"It's ok not to shower on Saturdays, you like my goat cheese." "Pet me." "Feed me." "I love goat cheese, BMW."

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Goat cheese

The little off-white colored chunks that come from the back of your throat and smell like shit or bad breathe concentrated twenty times. It has a consistency similar to cheese.

I was hawking a lougie and suddenly a piece of goat cheese came out of nowhere. It smelled like total shit.

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