Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gnar Gnar?

gnar gnar has a similar meaning to "gnar" or "gnarly". However, it better emphasizes the pure awesomeness of whatever is being described.

"Dude, that shit was gnar gnar to the max a sack"

"Do that again, that was gnar gnar"

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Gnar Gnar - video


Gnar Gnar - what is it?

A variation, perversion of "gnarly."

1. An exclamation used to describe something which is awe-inspiring, usually of something generally deemed to be "twisted"; most often said in a manner mocking of the speech typically associated with mentally retarded individuals.

See also: gnarles

"Dude! That's gnar-gnar!"

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What does "Gnar Gnar" mean?

Incredibly awesome, excessively good

Derived from the term "gnarly"

Whoa, did you see him hit the tranny with a 720 nose grind, it was gnar-gnar

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Gnar Gnar - what does it mean?

Powder snow on mountains, skiers and boarders love it

Dude, let's go shred some gnar-gnar!
Man, that gnar-gnar was sick.

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Gnar Gnar - meaning

Extremely gnarly, double gnar.

"Did you see that guy fall of the bus?" "Yeah it was gnar gnar dude, he totally hit his face on the ground."

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Gnar Gnar - definition

The deepest of the deep. The driest of the dry. The powest of the pow pow. It's the powda baby!

Snowboarder: Duuuude, check the dump bra. Lets go shred the gnar gnar!
Skier: Good day ole chap, have you seen the weather report? By jove there was a biblical blizzard this night past. Shall we shred the gnar?

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Gnar Gnar - slang

Gross,disgusting,foul,bad....route word gnarly

Dude that bitch is Gnar gnar....

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Gnar Gnar

a very gay variation on the word gnarly and one of the many words a douchebag would use

Man my skin tight parents aren't gay they're totally Gnar Gnar

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Gnar Gnar

Gnarly shortened and vocally repeated 2 times for intense feeling of gnarly.

Guy: look at my broken leg!
Me: damn bro that’s gnar gnar!

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Gnar Gnar

A word used to describe something that is favorable or cool. Can be used as an adjective or just as a means of ending a conversation. An alternative to word or any other saying of that nature.

Did you see Louie Barletta's part in Bag of Suck? I think it was pretty gnar gnar.

I dunno man, that ledge looks pretty gnar gnar.

Person 1: Ok man Ill call you later about hitting the park.
Person 2: Gnar gnar.

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