Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ghazal?

A very naturally beautiful girl, everyone is in awe of her when they meet her first time. Ghazal walks into any room and lights up the whole place. If she’s a friend, you are lucky, if a lover, you are blessed , if you ever lose her, you are cursed. Ghazal is an obsession, she can look at you and give you feelings you never knew you had . Ghazal is means beautiful in Arabic and love poetry in Persian

β€œ Ghazal has arrived , everyone stand, the queen is here”

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Ghazal - meme gif

Ghazal meme gif

Ghazal - video


Ghazal - what is it?

Ghazale is the coolest nicest and prettiest person alive. She is very cute and has an awesome personality, every boys dream!! She is generous, honest and kind. You can trust her and she will keep her word. Hazal will support you and your goals all she can. Hazal is sporty, Smart strong and hot. She is the sexiest one alive and is the best girlfriend anyone could ask for. Hazal is the best kisser. She attracts all boys with her amazing bod. Long legs tiny waist and skinny body. Her hair is long and luscious. She always is trying to get people to smile and laugh and make there day. She is the best type of person out there and you fall in love with her right as you meet her!

Omg I’m gonna ask ghazale out SHES beautiful

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What does "Ghazal" mean?

Ghazal is a Classical Poetry composed in Urdu, Hindi, Farsi ( Basically Classic Poetic literature from Indian Pakistan, Iran (Central Asian) composition is usually accompanied by soft music and usually deals with issues of Love, relationship, loss, Pain and sorrow.. Does Not Profanity.

Ghazal Events usually have a formal attire requirements. Mostly are considered classy and upper class.

Ghazal night at 4 seasons

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Ghazal - what does it mean?

Ghazal is the definition of beauty and a pure heart.
If you have her as a friend,you are lucky, if a lover, you are blessed , and if she isn’t in your life, you are cursed.
Ghazal means beautiful in Arabic and pure love poetry in Persian.
As soon as Ghazal lays eyes on you , you will be obsessed, you will never forget her

β€œGhazal is here, please stand, the queen has arrived”

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Ghazal - meaning

A beautiful persian girl that has an awesome eyes. Her hair is beautiful and she has a damn fine body. Her lover mohammadreza loves her so much.

She is very NANA.

Ghazal , my i love you so much

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Ghazal - definition

Ghazal is the most beautiful girl of the world. she has pretty and sexy body that her lover praise her, so kind and worthwhile, special type of eyes, and amazing body. she is bookworm and successful teacher. the point is that she has many lovers, among them a boy from northern part loves her more than any other and more than whatever someone can imagine. Ghazal loves him too.

Alireza hunted Ghazal unlike default manner.

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Ghazal - slang

Ghazal is a pretty girl and very proud.She has beautiful eyes and enchant everyone with her dimple❀️
She has a damn sexi face and body😍
She always says''what the fuck!''she has a amazing boy friend


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Ghazal is a beautifull girl thar have sexy body and best fucking eyes😻
And have a fub boy friend


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Ghazal is the most beautiful girl in the world. Though she thinks it's her worst features but on the contrary, she has the prettiest smile with the perfect face and nose structure. She also has the biggest heart and makes sure to lighten up others even if she herself would be going through a tough time. And she LOVES her alone time. Women in this world can only wish they were as perfect as ghazal. Whoever ghazal chooses, will be the luckiest guy in the world.

I wish I had a ghazal in my life.

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It a persian name for girls who have beautiful eyes and awesome hair, moreover it's a kind of poem that is very popular in iranian culture. Ghazal poem is about love and mistress, and sometimes it's a sad poem beacuse of separation from beloved. You can detect it from its rhymes.

- What a impressive poem! Who wrote it?
+ It's a Ghazal from Hafez

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