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What is Gayvin?

a boy named gavin that is secretly gay.

who’s gavin? i only know gayvin

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Gayvin - video


Gayvin - what is it?

gavin a little boy that is gay to the gums

shut up gayvinator you have enough gum/gums to supply the whole world

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What does "Gayvin" mean?

(gay-vin) an insulting play on words used apon a person called gavin.

oi gayvin you ginger wassock pass me the fucking remote DickLips

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Gayvin - what does it mean?

Any group or social network of homosexual males that partakes in, spreads, or otherwise promotes rumors and/or gossip. Often involves multiple ex-boyfriends/lovers. On college campuses, it typically consists of every gay man on campus, except for a few who have been excluded for refusing to partake in gossiping.

Jane: Did you here that John, that soccer jock in Jim's fraternity, is gay? Yea, I heard it through the gayvine.

Jack: I don't care; I don't gossip about people's sexualities. That's their own business.

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Gayvin - meaning

Gayvin is gavin and homosexual mixed

Look there goes a gayvin

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Gayvin - definition

Describing someone who is good at chess

A Gayvin is good at chess

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Gayvin - slang

Someone who believes they are better than you, was born for excellence and is superior in every way.

My boss told me I was doing a great job and then I was told how to do it in a better way by someone who had no relevance to my task, what a Gayvin I thought.

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It’s like a sweet Gavin but he’s gay. He’s that guy who’s only β€œfriends” with other guys to get in their pants. He’s always on the lookout for dick. His only friends are girls and when he’s around them he’s cool, kind, and sweet but when theirs a dick on his radar he goes ballistic.

Girl 1:Wow, that Gavin is thirsty for men.
Girl 2: Yeah that’s why we call him Gayvin.

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Gavin but gay
If he's not gay then he's not
the end

Gayvin song:

Verse 1:
Gavin gay, Gavin gay
Gavin real gay
Gavin gay - Gavin gay - Gavin gay
Gavin real gay
Gavin gay - Gavin gay - Gavin gay - Gavin gay - Gavin gay - Gavin gay, *Gayey*
Gavin g-gay, God bless America, Gavin gay

Verse 2:
9 o' clock, Gavin gay, Gavin gay
10 o' clock, Gavin gay, Gavin gay
He's gay at all times, Gavin gay
Gavin gay - Gavin gay - Gavin gay, Gavin gay

Verse 3:
Gavin gay, Gavin gay when the lights turn on
Gavin's gay, he's super f*cking gay
Gavin gay - Gavin gay - Gavin gay yah, Gavin gay *geyah*
Gavin gay - Gavin gay - Gavin gay - Gavin gay, Gavin real gay

Rap part:
Gavin gay - Gavin gay - Gaavin gay, Gavin - Gavin gay
Gavin - Gavin - Gaavin gay, shoot you in the brain
Gavin - Gavin - Gaavin gay, Gavin real gay
Gavin - Gavin - Gaavin gay, really f*cking gay

Pre-beat drop, bridge:
Hah - hah - hah - hah - hah - hah
Gavin got'a 'lil f*cking *fatass/friend*, his name *Ellie* he also gay
Gavin gay - Gavin gay - Gavin gay
*Ellie* gay - *Ellie* gay - *Ellie* gay
*inaudible* Woah f*ck one way stop, Gavin gay - Gavin gay

Verse 4:
Oh, he's gay *oni* gay - *oni* gay - *onis gay's in the club*
*End up*, Gavin gay - Gavin gay *club*, Gavin gay - Gavin gay *club*
Gavin gay, Gavin gay, Gavin gay, Gavin gay
Gavin gay, Gavin gay, *but he not tho - but he not tho*

* - Inaudible, 80-90% accuracy.
I wrote the typewritten lyrics myself

Search "Gavin gay" on YouTube, by J.B. Oswald

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Giving in to the advances of a gay man to either experiment or being tired of self-satisfaction.

John was so fed up with not getting any from his women friends, that one night he gayvin to the sexual advances of Ernest, his neighbor.

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