Definder - what does the word mean?


Another title for the 45th President of the United States.

Yeah I voted for the Grabber in Chief, he is the Man!

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GRABBERS - meme gif

GRABBERS meme gif

GRABBERS - video


GRABBERS - what is it?

an illegal alien beaner

About 150 cabbage grabbers ran from the barn as the police officers came to investigate a reported cockfight.

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What does "GRABBERS" mean?

When a girl gets a fresh fill in for their nails, a full set of fresh new nails, or even just a fresh manicure, and they slay. They can be known as dick grabbers because when you got a boo those fresh nails will be wrapped around that dick and he will think it's sexy.

"Bae i got my dick grabbers done"

"My dickgrabbers look good asf"

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GRABBERS - what does it mean?

A guy who repeatedly goes for a girls ass and gropes her against her will as a last resort attempt to get with her

He walked on to the dance floor, came up behind a girl and grabbed her hips and she was scared away. He did it again next week so he’s such a grabber

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GRABBERS - meaning

a cheap handle of alcohol that does not have a handle but a "grabber" instead.

see Admiral Nelson "grabbers"

hey you want to split a Grabber of Admiral Nelson this weekend?

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GRABBERS - definition

a man that grabs girls asses

"the grabber has got what he came for."

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GRABBERS - slang

One who shamelessly pursues any overtime available as long as its for payment - a Mercenary

Might have known he'd be working over Christmas - he's a right grabber

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Chest pain caused by heart disease marked by the death or damage of heart muscle due to insufficient blood supply to the heart.

Jim drank, smoked, and ate bacon every day, now he's dead from a grabber.

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Grabbers are just acrylic nails.

I just got my grabbers done today . πŸ’…πŸ½

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when ur nails are long enough to wrap around a dick .

i just got these grabbers done today .

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