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What is GAige?

A little dickhead

GAige is a dickhead

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GAige meme gif

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GAige - what is it?

Hot guy who falls too fast, and doesn't really know what love is. He's a heart breaker. Usually skater, or weed head.

"There goes Gaige with his new girlfriend!"
"He told me he loved me then broke up with me! He pulled a Gaige!"

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What does "GAige" mean?

Blowing off plans to go do something largely irreverent, even though you and a friend have made plans in advance.

"I just Gaiged my friend so hard."
"I just pulled a Gaige."
"Why are you Gaigeing me bro?"

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GAige - what does it mean?

A Gaige is a bad boy. He usually has a bunch of girlfiriends, and people look at him like a player. A Gaige is usually the hottest guy around, but is not athletic. Gaige's smoke weed and love to fuck every girl he can get his hands on. Although Gaige refuses to stay in a relationship, girls crawl at his feet as if he is a god.

''Oh my gosh!! Did you just see Gaige over there, ughhh. He makes me feel some type of way!''
''Did you know that Gaige just broke up with his gf the day after he fucked her?''
''I want to lose my virginity to a Gaige!!!''

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GAige - meaning

Someone completely fucking AWESOME! and LET!

I'm so Gaige i can't fucking bare it.

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GAige - definition

A Gaige is a total hottie who is usually mysterious and cool. He doesn't talk much and is actually shy but looks intimidating. There's mostly positive things to say about a Gaige other than that they're brutally honest, which can result in someone getting mad.

Oh my goodness, who's that hottie over there? He looks so cool.
Oh, that's Gaige. Isn't he mysterious and cool?
Omg, yes!

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GAige - slang

The sexiest beast in the whole fucking world. One look makes you orgasm. Boys and girls.

He was a Gaige!

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A kick ass donkey with a huge ass dick and a lot a Matchable pubes. He's the guy that wrote the DNA for the frog that sat on the log. He's the thumb of Chuck Norris. He's every thong in your girlfriends pants. He's the drug you take to enlarge your penis.

After the orphanage burned down all that was left was a Gaige

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A total hottie and is so faithful. can get any chick he wants and is soo nice to them (well some of them). he can be a dick at sometimes but is usally a really nice sweet guy. i have had an expireence with a Gaige, he was a very sweet nice young man. A Gaige is really nice. i only really have positave things to say about a Gaige.

Omg i was out with Gaige last night he was so sweet

Hey look at Gaige over there with his (girlfriend) aww hes so (sweet)

Gaige ur a really (nice) person i (love) you babe

Hey did u see that guy at the (party) last night he was soo sweet he must have been a Gaige

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Gaige is a guy who is shy at first but will open up when you make friends with him. He is also a honorable guy and respects people for who they are. He is the type of person who would defend his family and friends without hesitation but he won’t resolve the conflict with violence but with words first. He can also be dumb at times but is understanding if you talk to him because he has feelings too. He is also intelligent and is a hard worker, if there is a reward in the end (Hug, cookie, etc.) but the reward can also be something meaningful instead of a common reward much like a thank you or if it’s for a favor. So don’t be afraid to open up to a Gaige. You’ll be surprised at what they can do :) .

You: Hey Gaige, wanna do something ?

Gaige: Yeah sure !

You: Gaige. Wanna play some video games ?


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