Definder - what does the word mean?

What is GADDAFI?

Embraces the philosophy "If it feels good, do it!". This word was first coined by Mark Corrigan, a fictional character in the British sitcom 'Peep Show' (played by David Mitchell). The philosophy it describes was one frequently adopted by Mark's flatmate, and Mitchell's co-star Robert Webb.

"Oh shit, Will's following Gaddafi's law again tonight. His nose is going to dissolve if he's not careful"

(to policeman) "Fuck off Cuntstubble Cock! I only answer to Gaddafi's Law!"

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GADDAFI - meme gif

GADDAFI meme gif

GADDAFI - video


GADDAFI - what is it?

Gaddafi |gΙ™ΛˆdΓ€fΔ“| Noun, verb, adjective, adverb.

Acting in the belief that one is correct in every instance and the world is unjustly arrayed against oneself by taking actions that deter or deny the opposition's capacity to prove one wrong.

The manner, or quality thereof.

Any such persons who embody this belief.

Derivatives: gaddafing, gaddafied, gaddafer, gaddafest, gaddafily.

Example: He gaddafied with the IRS over his lifetime of unpaid taxes.

The Libyan dictator gaddafily resisted US attempts to broker a ceasefire with the rebels.

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What does "GADDAFI" mean?

Another "ex-terrorist" the American government, and anti-terror warrior George W Bush, has formally forged diplomatic ties with.

Mr Blair is said by his officials to be ready to offer military training to Gaddafi's officers as a way of showing that Britain and the US do not want to disarm Libya totally and have no intention of attacking it. It's the oil they're after.

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GADDAFI - what does it mean?

(adj) means crazy, nuts, mentally disconnected and out of order.

Girl, you drive me gaddafi!!

Dude you were acting like a gaddafi last night!!!

Why did you do that?! Are you freakin' gaddafi?!

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GADDAFI - meaning

Used to describe erratic or despotic behavior of a controlling nature.

My girlfriend wants me to text her whenever I go anywhere without her, such a gaddafi.

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GADDAFI - definition

To gaddafi is to thug shit out. To totally ignore what’s around you and focus on your goal to succeed.

Thomas: Bro what you gonna do since you didn’t study for the test
James: Im going to gaddafi that test

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GADDAFI - slang

he ruled Libya for 42 yrs and in that time squandered the oil/wealth for himself and his disgusting spawn. he changed the national flag to a green flag and introduced "the green book"... apparently his favorite color was green. he chose to live in a tent and traveled to different locations to avoid being followed...he had a serious case of paranoia. he denied the people freedom of speech. Speaking of which, his speeches were ALWAYS lengthy and rambly. he insisted becoming the king of Africa & Arab world... perhaps he was too humble to admit to the entire world. Clearly he was delusional and lost all grasps of reality.
In 1975, he conducted public hangings of political activists and anyone who spoke out against his regime. he then dragged the dead bodies via rope and car thru the town in order to set an example to the others. he killed a confirmed 1,500 prisoners in Abu Salim prison--most of whom were political activists. following the events of Tunis and Egypt, the Libyans gathered on February 17, 2011. he attempted to wipe out any anti-gaddafi protesters via outside mercenaries from South Africa, guns and air force. Most-if not all-of the country is Anti-gaddafi. He underestimated the power of the people.
*Note: Past tense was intentionally used in this because it's only a matter of days before this power-trippin motherfucker goes down.
Furthermore, the "g" in gaddafi and "h" in he is intentionally lower case to emphasize the lack of respect this fool gets.

I will go straight up gaddafi on your ass" or "you must be on that gaddafi shit"

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To speak incoherently in a delusional fashion as a result of hallucinogenic drugs.

To be disconnected from reality.

Palin is gaddafing once more. Will it ever end?

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Gaddafi (v): to stab or poke another person in the butt with a sharp or pointy object.

Origin: An episode of Daniel Tosh's Tosh.0 examined video footage of Muamar Gaddafi's capture and subsequent execution, and found that shortly after being caught by rebels, one man viciously stabbed Gaddafi several times in the anus with a utility knife.

Fred: Ow! What the hell, why'd you just stab me in the ass?

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The act of having a foreign object forcefully shoved up your anus against your will.

I was taggin my girl doggystyle when I pulled out and Gaddafied her!

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