Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Fuck-all?

Nothing, absolutely nothing, just like how the Australien Government makes the ching-ching and yet you get absolutely zero. Ching-ching!

That's why we used your tax dollars to help them exploit an once-in-a-lifetime resource boom, privatise the profits, and pay no tax! Instead of setting up a sovereign fund like Norway to ensure health, education and pensions for future generations, whereas we're leaving you with approximately... fuck all!

👍29 👎11

Fuck-all - meme gif

Fuck-all meme gif

Fuck-all - video


Fuck-all - what is it?

Nothing, nothing great,zilch

Your grouse compared to mine is fuck all.He thinks he knows everything, but he knows fuck all

👍535 👎279

What does "Fuck-all" mean?

another phrase for nothing, nil, zero.

City is our name
City is our name
Twnety-eight years and won fuck all
City is our name

👍1049 👎449

Fuck-all - what does it mean?

to dismiss something

Wife: do you fancy poppin up london to see my mum and dad?

Husband: fuck all that

👍69 👎19

Fuck-all - meaning

How they say "jack shit" in Britain.

Americans know fuck all about British slang.

👍289 👎85

Fuck-all - definition

Meaning 'absolutely nothing' in a slightly more vulgar way than usual ;)

-D'you know what I like about you? .... FUCK ALL. (from Green Wing)

👍489 👎145

Fuck-all - slang

When you are simply tired of hearing the masses babble on or tired with society and their pathetic ideals.

Amber: "Let's go grab a bite to eat and visit the Mall."

Chip: "Fuck all that, I'm out!"

👍89 👎19


Absolutely nothing at all, the most extreme degree of nothing.

Sol: No, it's a moissanite.
Bad Boy Lincoln: A what-a-nite?
Sol: A moissanite is an artificial diamond, Lincoln. It's Mickey Mouse, man. Spurious. Not genuine. And it's worth... Fuck all.

(From the movie "Snatch")

👍1933 👎363



I'm so lazy, I did fuck all, all day

👍3145 👎451



In P.E. yesterday I did fuck-all!

👍53 👎17