Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Friendie?

noun. pronounced friendee or friendy
plural: friendies
A friend that is not the same gender as you.

ie: a boy's friendi would be girl.

This word is used when trying to explain the gender of a friend without having to go into too much detail. It saves time when trying to tell a story and can distinguish between a boyfriend and a boy friend, or girlfriend and girl friend.

Bob: "Dude my girl friend is going to California this summer."
Joe: "Bob, stop acting like you have a girlfriend."
Bob: "Not a girlfriend, just a friend that's a girl."
Joe: "Oh, you mean a friendi."

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Friendie - meme gif

Friendie meme gif

Friendie - video


Friendie - what is it?

Adjective. Describes someone who is trendy with friendships, who befriends others for popularity or passing taste.

Ben is so friendy, he dumped all his old friends for the "in" people.

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What does "Friendie" mean?

A handy (hand job) from a friend

I was painting the outside of my house when my neighbor came by and asked if I wanted a friendy.

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Friendie - what does it mean?

A description of relationships created by accepting people as "friends" on Facebook for whom one feels little or no friendship.

I have friendiness with my child's friends who have invited me to be friends on Facebook.

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Friendie - meaning

All your trendy friends

Hey friendy! Wanna hit the stores?

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Friendie - definition

To like someone just as friends. As opposed to boy/girl way.

I like you in the friendy way, not in the boy/girl way.

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Friendie - slang

The friendie is a sexual act between just friends. It is typically limited to manual stimulation of the reciever's geneitals, but other variations are acceptable because you're friends.

In the case where a male is the reciever, the friendie is like a handie. In the case of a female reciever, any form of fingering or stimulation of the clitoris is acceptable.

The friendie can be given by both a male or female and there must be a mutually agreed upon friendship between both parties.

Jimmy told me that he and Amanda participated in some just friends spooning, and she even gave him a friendie.

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Friendie is a brand cool way of saying "My friend."

James: Hey friendie, Where've you been?
Kyle: hey James, I was in the gym.

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A picture taken with another person or a group of people. One of the people in the picture is the one taking the picture.

Opposite of a selfie. Proves you do have friends.

You can see the person taking the picture, outstretched arm or they may appare closer to the camera.

Tom: Hey everyone let's do a friendie!!

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Fandom of the wonderful, talented, beautiful Luke Friend. Friendies are the nicest people you will ever speak to and are always willing to help someone out. They will always be ready to fangirl with other friendies

Luke Friend: *uploads pic*
Friendie 1: Did you see his new pic omgg!!???
Friendie 2: YES omfg DEAD ASDGHJKL

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