Definder - what does the word mean?

What is French Onion?

basically a faggot who is french and proud of it

they usually have no personality and have no friends.

girl: So what are you?

guy: 100% know what that means...

girl: Ew a french onion? Shoulda known...Well bye.

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French Onion - video


French Onion - what is it?

When you take chip dip and put it in the girls vagina then have sex and when you are done you eat it out of her.

I gave Allie the French onion dip and it was delicious.

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What does "French Onion" mean?

A poop that has some stringy, onion like substance, but mostly consists of cloudy brown squirts. Often burns upon exit and could also be described as fire booty.

After a long night of drinking, jeff went to a taco truck and got a burrito to try and sober up. About 20 minutes later he charged into the bathroom to cook up a nice bowl of french onion poop.

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French Onion - what does it mean?

When a man stuffs a red onion in a females mouth and then punches her in the kidneys while doing her doggystyle.
This creates the tears that flow over the red onion. Then he blows his load on her face creating cheese effect. Voila!

Did you give Vanessa a "French Onion Soup" last night?
Sure did! I love that soup!

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French Onion - meaning

French onion soup is the most delicious mouth watering poosy wet (jokes please submit) amazing food you’ll ever taste.

If you don’t like soup , cheese, onions or croutons your missing out i’m sorry

β€œdid you try the french onion soup? gawd damn.”

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French Onion - definition

(Pronounced - fra-INCH ON-yan FACE-shil)
When a Frenchman with a UTI jizzes on his partners face.

While satisfying male patients, Parisienne nurse Antonia enjoys getting a French onion facial

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French Onion - slang

A bagel with French onion dip on top.

I'm going to make a French onion bagel for breakfast

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French Onion

The French onion is when you fuck your girl while she is taking a dump

We went the restrraunt and had French onion soup , when we got home , we did the French onion.

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French Onion

ashley bowen; a girls smelly vagina

dont go near french onion, she may have a disease

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French Onion

When you dive into a gorgeous ass on a hot chick, you know the one that's like an onion and makes ya wanna cry, but you end up encountering a smelly, sweaty, mung bunghole and you have no choice but to retreat.

Joe picked up a hot chick at the bar and took her home for some hot drunken sex. He went down to eat da booty but encountered a French Onion and after gagging asked her to go shower first.

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