Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Fortnite Ninja's?

NINJA GONE DOWNHILL???!??!?!??!?!? ONLYFANS IN DESCRIPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ninja fortnite did the naked thing

👍39 👎13

Fortnite Ninja's - video


Fortnite Ninja's - what is it?

Funny Epic Fortnite Ninja is a chad alpha male epic funny gamer. Subscribe to NinjaIsDiaper on epic mixer prime. That's so very cash money. Mmm yes, Funny Epic Fortnite Ninja is ultimate twitch streamer, he is so epic that he twitch streams on mixer, very epic sauce.

Person 1- "Hello fellow human being, do you too consume the medium of entertainment know as, 'The Fortnites'?" Person 2- "Yes I too appreciate the concept of Fortnite, and I binge Funny Epic Fortnite Ninja on the daily, fellow kid."

👍35 👎13

What does "Fortnite Ninja's" mean?

A very sad man who has the disability called fortnite. He might report you for streaming sniping. F, for the fallen legends.

Fortnite ninja tyler blevins favourite sentence is: THE FUCK YOU SAY TO ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!

👍25 👎11

Fortnite Ninja's - what does it mean?

The man with rainbow hair who plays fortnite.

person a: OMG Tyler Fortnite Ninja Blevins is the best streamer of all time I love him omg fortnite fornite (starts dancing)
berson b: you have problems

👍47 👎13

Fortnite Ninja's - meaning

a 29 year old that plays a game filled with people 20 years younger than him
his very existence is a meme

Fortnite ninja tyler blevins just ended his stream!

👍25 👎11

Fortnite Ninja's - definition

The biggest noob in fortunate that gets mad epwhenevernhe dies. He pretends to be humping someone when he really is humping the air. He has these really weird dances and recently god divorced.

Fortnite Ninja: oh man this dudes anpbout to die

Random fortnite player headshots him

Ninja: the next time you fucking headshot me inswear I will grab your balls and take all that spurs out of your body, and then go use it on ugly gagged Donald trumps wife millennia trump, and then bring her to you and make her vomit all over you u fucking try hard!!!!!!!!! AAAaAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dickkkkkkkkk

👍55 👎23

Fortnite Ninja's - slang

A toxic twitch I mean MIXER streamer and youtuber that swears to children

he has dyed hair because he thinks its cool

Person 1: Hey you watch Fortnite Ninja's stream?
Person 2: NO HE'S TOXIC

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