Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Floobs?

Flabby boobs typically seen on obese pre-pubescent youngins and post-pubescent fat people. Floobs are a symptom of overactive hormones, which gives them a tenacious sex drive. Masculine v.: Moobs.

Did you see the floobs on that sixth grader? She must be a tiger in bed.

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Floobs - meme gif

Floobs meme gif

Floobs - video


Floobs - what is it?

Nerd, Geek, Weirdo.

Also floobin' - the state of being nerdy or geeky.

1. You're a total floob.

2. We were steady floobin' all night.

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What does "Floobs" mean?

A floob is one who stands out in such a world of hate. Basically an outcast from society.Theyr not mad of their floobness no, they bask in it.They enjoy the attention of others thinking their ways are either wronge or weird.
Now this word is suppose to be a secret to the nonfloobs, BUT since there is already a post about it,fuck it i mise well tell my point on it right??


DUDE! Im not gonna tell you what floob means. STFU!

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Floobs - what does it mean?

Boobs that are large for the sole reason that the girl is fat.

Bob: That girl is hot, she's got a nice rack.

Bill: Those are floobs, man, what are you talking about?

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Floobs - meaning

to have floobs is to have developed flab around the chest area which then forms boobs.

females can also have floobs, this is when the enormous amounts of fat the female has on her body grants her, enormous breastasis. these are not boobs, they are FLOOBS.

dude look at that womens fat
yeah she has mad floobs

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Floobs - definition

Flabby Boobs On a Man Or A Fat Woman Lyk Becky !

Yoo Brooo Ur Floobs Are Bangin !

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Floobs - slang

Floobs = Flabby Boobs.

Basically just fat boobs

"omg look at that fat ladies floobs"

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This is how the Florence and the Machine fans - also known as Flows - call her boobs.

"- Oh my god ! Have you seen the What Kind Of Man music video ?
- Yeaaaah ! Dude, she's got such cute floobs"

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flat ass, drooping, saggy boobs

Rose, put a shirt on, I don't want to see those scary floobs!

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Floobs are flat boobs. Tiny boobs on a woman.

That woman isn't sexy! She only has floobs!

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