Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Fatshit?

The senseless way in which an obese person loses their temper and retaliates against tormentors.

It's an urban legend that Natalie from The Facts of Life went fatshit crazy on her skinny castmates and bit them when she heard them making fun of her huge ass.

👍29 👎13

Fatshit - video


Fatshit - what is it?

Any cat over 15lbs who sleeps 15hrs a day and only wakes up to beg for food.

My fatshit cat tried to eat the food right off my fork.

👍27 👎11

What does "Fatshit" mean?

one who eats alot

kevin kramer is a fatshit

👍73 👎49

Fatshit - what does it mean?

a fat person with tits and can't find there private parts.

Greg poulos went to fat camp but he is still a fat shit

👍83 👎47

Fatshit - meaning

A fat weak peice of shit that drives a 1950's yellow truck named Eric Lueders who runs and cries to his daddy about everything and is in ir classes because hes a retard becuase all the fat molecules went to his head becuase they ran out of room in his white house sized ass.He Has a dick so tiny you wouldnt be able to see it even with a microscope, but it doesnt matter because he will never get girl because hes fat,gay,and hasnt hit puberty yet and the only hair on his body other than his head is on the moles on the side of his face which get covered in cheese every time he eats a pretzel because hes so fat that he cant get the food in his mouth so he has to rub it on his face so it absorbs into his fat ass. His ass is so fat that 1 out of 5 chairs he sits in will break from the extreme amount of weight, and no one likes him.

Eric Lueders is a fatshit that has no talent what so ever and should go kill himself, but he will probably fail becuase there is no rope in the world that can support his weight and no bullet in the world that can penetrate his fat ass.

👍137 👎89

Fatshit - definition

fat fucking shitcock that always pisses everybody off and you like to beat the hell out of

shut the fuck up fatty mcfatshit

👍185 👎71