Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Fascia?

Describes obvious/readily-apparent evidence that you misbehaved in some way when installing/upgrading the vertical boards at the edge of a roof.

If the vertical boards at the edge of a roof have excessively/prematurely rotted or loosened, that's considered prima fascia evidence that the carpenter did shoddy work.

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Fascia - meme gif

Fascia meme gif

Fascia - video


Fascia - what is it?

The act of demanding by waving your pointer finger around in the air in a circular motion; to gather around or order a round.

Jake walked up to his group of friends, put his finger in the air, and yelled "fascia lata" to gather his friends for a drink.

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What does "Fascia" mean?

A fascia is a nickname to a really popular and desired person like the connective tissue it represents:

socially flexible as if touches all, but yet anatomically unseen by the naked eye to the normal guy (or vice versa).

"Tom is such a Fascia, every girl wants him and every guy wants to be he's friend"

"What a Fascia, everyone likes him!"

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