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What is Fake depressed?

Fake Depression is usually common amongst quirky edgy teenagers, primarily girls, who post sad VHS edits of Bart Simpson, or anything related, on their Instagram/Snapchat stories with the caption "pls no one talk to me" or "pls someone just end me" or even "wow this is so me" for attention. While also hurting people who are actually Depressed by making them feel even more bad about themselves and having a harder time to cope with their mental disorder. Fake Depressed teens usually act like this because their parents didn't buy them that new Iphone or they immediately broke up with their new boyfriend/girlfriend after being together for a day, and they think their life is hard.

Jake: Everytime I'm with Emma she looks like she's sad, why does she always act like this? :(

Olivia: Naaah OMEGALUL, that dumbass bitch aint sad, she just has fake depression for attention and clout.
Jake: Aaahh I see, well then fuck that dumbass.

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Fake depressed - video


Fake depressed - what is it?

When someone pretends they have depression for attention. They could post things like Bart Simpson crying with a caption saying โ€œpls someone fucking kill me :(โ€œ . A very common way to tell someone is faking it is if they always talk about having โ€œmental breakdownsโ€ or โ€œcrying fitsโ€ wherever they go. These people are disgusting attention whores so if you come across one just ignore them so they donโ€™t get what they want.

Beth: hey Eloise, how was your night?
Eloise: oh well I was fucking crying my eyes out about the smallest thing. God Iโ€™m so sensitive. Why am I still alive.
Beth: fucking attention whore
Eloise: what?
Beth: you have such bad fake depression
Eloise: no I dont *pretending to cry*
Beth: oh fuck off

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What does "Fake depressed" mean?

Usually middle schoolers would do this for attention by faking mental illnesses. Always post on their Snapchat story DHMU, only the real ones would know, always uses the ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜• emojis also uses Simpson edits to show their โ€œdepressionโ€ And denies when confronted about it. And donโ€™t forget this one, they always like to date people then break up with them then post a heartbroken emoji on their story.

Every middle schooler on their story,โ€Donโ€™t hit me up I need time to think, only the real ones would know.โ€ A.K.A Fake Depression

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Fake depressed - what does it mean?

Fake depression is when somebody falsely exhibits symptoms of depression for the sake of getting attention/pity/compliments. Of course, it is also being theorized that actual depression is an unconscious evolutionarily-ingrained attempt to bargain with/manipulate the environment. For some people who 'have' fake depression, it is because they just need attention and caring from those around them. This in and of itself does not mean there is not a problem. In that case, even if they do not need treatment for depression, they still need either support/caring or need to solve the problem of being needy, as fitting the situation.

Some who suffer from depression fear that they are faking it and only being trouble, and thus shouldn't be helped.

In todays 'society', there are self-proclaimed emo people who may fake depression for the sake of it being cool. Those who mimic illness because they think it will make them seem fashionable recieve only contempt and disgust from many people who are trying to recover from depression due to it being viewed as a mockery and making depression much less accepted as a real danger by many people.

In conclusion, although fake depression may not be genuine, it still can signify other problems that need to be identified.

I only have fake depression, all I do is manipulate others, who STILL wont admit that they need to leave me behind for their own good.

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Fake depressed - meaning

Somebody who posts on their story about how bad their depression is when really all they want is attention. People who post Bart Simpson edits with some "in your feels" music. The only thing wrong with these people is they are attention whores and are only faking mental health conditions so they can feel like people care about them.

I know a lass with fake depression she thinks she's edgy for it but she just looks stupid

That Brooke Scott's got fake depression she thinks she's so cool for it but she just looks stupid and I want to kick her head in for it

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Fake depressed - definition

Fake depression is when somebody is so desperate for attention they pretend to have a mental illness. Commonly found in pre-teen girls that are hitting their ''emo'' phase. The people who fake depression commonly flaunt it and always mention it. This type of human being is disgusting and immoral. People with fake depression claim they have no ''real'' friends and they constantly whine and bitch even though they have over 20 friends.

John said ''Hey look at Jessica over there, why does she look so sad all the time?'' Bob replied ''Nah, that bitch just has fake depression''

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Fake depressed - slang

Someone who is sad and seeks attention when alone and instantly becomes happy when they are with someone.

People who show signs of fake depression would normally post black and white stories with phrases such as "kill me", "I hate everyone" and "join my live at 3:33" these are the typical signs of a bitch

Woah he's definitely got fake depression look at his attention seeking stories

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Fake depressed

Teenagers who post on their stories vhs edited Simpson videos playing music and writing "pls kll me"

Send me the vhs edit, I need to show everyone my fake depression

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Fake depressed

A fake depressed is that one kid in every school who pretends to be depressed around others for attention but is actually a pretty happy yet annoying person, trying out things for popularity or attention

Person1: Is Aidan okay? Usually he's being an annoying fucker but seems pretty sad recently.

Person2: Eh. You know Aidan, he's just being a fake depressed for attention, like usual

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Fake depressed

Fake Depression is when a teenager (mostly girls between the ages of 12-15) pretends to be diagnosed with the very serious mental illness called depression in hopes getting attention. These girl will usually post pictures of themselves or other images with captions claiming that they want to end their lives or wanting to โ€˜end it allโ€™ when really they just want others to take pity on them and sulk about how terrible their amazing life is. Spotting a fake depressed person is easy so please if you suspect someone you know might be this annoying blob of a person please these symptoms below
. Listening to โ€˜emo musicโ€™ and Billie Eilish

. Constantly taking about how bad their life is (usually people with depression donโ€™t tell anyone about it)
. Posting on instagram with sad captions
. Complain that they have no friends (when really they have more than you)
. When talking about cliques or what famous character in a movie they are like they will usually pick the sad/emo/weird one

These people are some of the most disgusting people on the planet

Brittney :" omg like, I have know friends and everything in my life sucks right now and I just want to die"
Sam : " do I know you?"
Brittney : " no, nobody does because everyone hates me"
Also Brittney: "omg Iโ€™m so fat and ugly"
Sam : " shut up you fake depressed twelvie"

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