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What is Facebanged?

When Someone pokes you on Facebook enough times that they possibly reached some weird Orgasm, Or euphoric state by jabbing their dirty minded greasy fingers into your cyber hot box!

Hey guy, I'm gonna get home & make sure Jamie gets Facebanged! She is so hot. Reality tells me that I'm not good enough for her in society! But Facebook lets me shove things in her you wouldn't believe! Last night I fucked her with the remote for the TV!

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Facebanged - video


Facebanged - what is it?

The act of exchanging sexual messages via facebook chat. Basically, sexting on facebook.

Ratt and I were Facebanging until 8:00 this morning. I was so wet.

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What does "Facebanged" mean?

1.) When multiple partners, usually 3 or more, engage in blogging or chatting on Facebook.

2.) Chatting it up with a bunch of bitches on Facebook.

Guy1: "What you been up to?"

Guy2: "I've just been facebanging bitches all day."

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Facebanged - what does it mean?

When you bang someones face

Dood he wanted to facebang him

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Facebanged - meaning

The act of performing cunnilingus. Like fingerbanging, but with the face. Bonus points for girl on girl.

"Dude, Erica totally Facebanged Riley last night!"
"No wai!"
"Yeah dude."

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Facebanged - definition

The act of forcing a woman to perform fellatio upon yourself and slamming her face against your crotch. A synonym of "Facefuck."

I wanna facebang the secretary.

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