Definder - what does the word mean?

What is FREIND?

Street term for human leeches.
When people around you act like they're a friend; but in reality they do nothing for you except consume your time and energy.

I don't have any smokes cuz my freinds smoked them all for me.

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FREIND - meme gif

FREIND meme gif

FREIND - video


FREIND - what is it?

A friend who only hits you up for drugs.

My buddy only hits me up for drugs , he is such a freind.

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What does "FREIND" mean?

A friend is something not many people have.

Kyle is so lucky he has FREINDS.

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FREIND - what does it mean?

a person you secretly have a crush on

she is my freind

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FREIND - meaning

something you dont have if ur searching for this on urban dictionary.

I asked my freind if i could come over his house.

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FREIND - definition

A friend who only hits you up for drugs

My buddy max only hits me up when he wants drugs , he is a such a freind.

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FREIND - slang

The word freind perfectly describes an "online friend", as it is in this realm that the mistake is most often made

My freinds on myface are awesome.

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It's spelled friend you idiot.

My friend is an idiot she spelled 'friend' as 'freind'

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The wrong way to spell friends

how dew u spel friends?

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A person who pretends to be your friend. In actuality, they are back-stabbers. Combination of friend and fiend.

Becky said she was my bestie, but that hood rat is a FREIND.

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