Definder - what does the word mean?

What is FREE BASE?

Someone who is slipped a roofie, and will most likely not remember what happened when they awaken.

Fundo: Everybody!! That slut I slipped the roofie to fell asleep. Free base for everyone. I got third!!

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FREE BASE - video


FREE BASE - what is it?

Someone who smokes cocaine.

Jonny is a free baser.

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What does "FREE BASE" mean?

When you go to someone’s house and their parents aren’t home.

Did you go to Jess’s free base last night? That shit was awesome!

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FREE BASE - what does it mean?

another of many suicide sports, free-base jumping or free-base for short is similar to free-bunjee only the competitors are required to forget their parachutes, the person who hits most obstacles on the way down wins, simples!

Brian Lee Schubert of Alta Loma, Calif., 66, whose parachute failed to deploy, falls to his death in the New River during the Bridge Day base jumping event at the New River Gorge on Saturday, Oct. 21, 2006, in Fayetteville, even though he was wearing a parachute it failed to deploy and technically this counts as a free-jump, minus points for remembering your parachute, plus points for shock value, plus points for unpredictability, minus points for avoiding obstacles on the way down! free-base points 8.5!

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FREE BASE - meaning

The activity of smoking a specially prepared form of the drug cocaine. The crushed crack cocaine is usually placed in a spoon or a beaker where it is heated by a flame. The user inhales the fumes from the burning cocaine and receives their high from this.

Joe is in the other room free-basing.

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FREE BASE - definition

Taking cocaine and mixing with water, then placing in a piece of cupped tin foil. You then light a flame under the tin foil piece until smoke emits and inhale through a glass pipe...the high is unparalleled

yo mer be free basing that cocaine like a crack whore

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FREE BASE - slang

when you’re home alone so people can come over

marcus: β€œwho wants to come over free base”

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the act of smoking a drug that is not in its sault form. (cocaine, meth, dmt). snortable cocaine is in its salt form which means it is linked with HCl. When you freebase it, you neutralize the HCl leaving you with pure cocaine. HCl is said to be the base so you "free" it from the "base"

I freebased some dmt the other day and broke into tryptamine hyperspace.

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A way of using cocaine
1 add water
2 place on tin foil
3 use a lighter to cook it
4 use a paper towel tube to inhale smoke

Lets roll dude grab your moms foil and a lighter and prepare to free base

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1) (n) A type of cocaine that you cook up in a frying pan. And by you I really mean your honor roll student, boy scout son.
2) (v) To prepare the above type of cocaine.
3) (v) What a walked batter gets in a baseball game.
4) (n) A chemical that's the opposite of an acid and doesn't cost anything.

1) When little Timmy failed his math test, his mom decided to cheer him up by cooking up his favorite dinner: free base cocaine.
2) We don't free base in the Brook, we just smoke flat-out crack rock.
3) With runners on second and third and the World Series on the line I figured it would be a good call to just give Barry Bonds a free base.
4) I hear there's a deal over at Chemicals Mart where if you buy an acid at retail price, you get a free base.

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