Definder - what does the word mean?

What is FORRY?

A slang word for a foreigner

1. “My dad’s a forry,” said Rachel.
Jade squinted her eyes, confused. “A what?”
Forry; he’s a foreigner. From Nigeria,” Rachel clarified

2. “Yup the forries,” yelled Rachel, as she got deported back to Nigeria.
“Yup the forries, yuppa!” Jade, Katelyn and Ane the clown cheered.

3. “Look over there,” said Jade. “Who’s that?”
Ane squinted her eyes, then nodded. “That’s Rachel, she’s a forry.”

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FORRY - meme gif

FORRY meme gif

FORRY - video


FORRY - what is it?

N; A person who is the party comedian, one who induses massive amounts of laughs or makes the crazy jokes that everyone can relate to.

"Yo last night Matt was being all Billy Forry dude! Everyone was busting up laughing for hours!"

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What does "FORRY" mean?

Aussie slang means

sure no problem

or accurately translated as "no fucking worries"

"can you do me a favour?"

"yeah wucking forries"

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FORRY - what does it mean?

No Wucken Forries is a spoonerism for the phrase "No Fucken Worries" It

"Hey Bazza! Mind if you chuck us the salt mate?"
"No Wucken Forries Dazza!"

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FORRY - meaning

To be like Lebron, to be athletic and jacked. Sometimes it means that you are on the varsity level, or are recruited highly for all types of sports "football, basketball, lacrosse".

When you do that 360 jam, you look like forrie.

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FORRY - definition

Def. To completely obliterate all competition in sporting events/competitions. To make a timolgra look slow.

Ex1. Yer maun just done a forry on the rest of those clowns.
Ex2. He's as fast as Forry.
Ex3. I like Forry cake.

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FORRY - slang

The slang word for a foreigner

1. “My dad’s a forry,” said Rachel.
Jade squinted her eyes, confused. “A what?”
Forry; he’s a foreigner. From Nigeria,” Rachel clarified

2. “Yup the forries,” yelled Rachel, as she got deported back to Nigeria.
“Yup the forries, yuppa!” Jade, Katelyn and Ane the clown cheered.

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Fucking sorry

Guy 1 march up to your room right neeww!! Kid: I'm forry.

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