Definder - what does the word mean?

What is FLAWDA?

An alcoholic beverage containing Hennessy and Redbull. The preferred alcoholic drink of Flawdagrown

Cognac and Roses got me drinking Flawda Water all night in the club, Iā€™m feeling myself.

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FLAWDA - video


FLAWDA - what is it?

a jhit from flawda

johny sins: watch out cuh he a flawda jhit
michael jackson: dayum watch out dawg its a flawda jhit

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What does "FLAWDA" mean?


1. The act of using the middle finger to convey ones thoughts to another while one announces the action of "Flawdaing" by saying Flawda. Iconic act done by the Naples rapper Flawda.

1. An ignorant way to spell Florida
2.) Southwest Florida rapper Flawda who raps about being downtown surrounded by water

Person 1 "Flawda! Clean up your mess or get out of my house"
Person 2 "Whoa bro calm down it's not his fault he was born an raised in Naples and has no concept of work"
Person 1 "Sorry sometimes I just get so fed up with the artificial people in Naples"

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FLAWDA - what does it mean?

Southern and/or gangsta pronunciation of Florida. Most of the best rappers/artists, actors, and generally awesome people come from Flawda: Trick Daddy, Pitbull, Rick Ross, T-Pain, Flo Rida, Mandy Moore, Vanilla Ice, Brooke Hogan, Hulk Hogan, Wayne Brady, Wesley Snipes, Bob Ross, Vince Carter, The Rock, Carrot Top, and Janice Dickinson among others.

386 nigguh, flawda east side.

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FLAWDA - meaning

Pronunciation of the state of "Florida" with a southern accent.

Peace to all my FLAWDA homies..

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