Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Epic duel?

A "good" game made by artix,very fun until:
You do anything as a mercenary
You get to about level 20 as tech mage
You get about level 30 as a bounty hunter
The game is so slow,noone even plays it anymore.You go into 2v2 and it takes 10 minutes to either get you in a juggernaut or find another 3 bots which are way too much better than you and they absolutely destroy you,the bot on your team dies like instantly and then you gain nothing.You can't do literally anything without varium,and varium takes money.

Epic duel:
F2P Mercenary:Exists
F2P Tech Mage:*kills mercenary haha im so good
F2P Bounty Hunter:Kills literally like everyone
Paid anything:cant lose and is like max lvl and all shit and literally is impossible to beat

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Epic duel - video


Epic duel - what is it?

1. A fight between two indestructible warriors

2. A PvP MMORPG developed by Epic Inventions and acquired by Artix Entertainment. Many people in this game record their pwnage onto Youtube.

1. Mike Tyson vs Mohammed Ali would be an epic duel

2. Johnny: What are you doing?
Ysrome: Playing Epic Duel and uploading my kills onto Youtube.

👍77 👎35

What does "Epic duel" mean?

A Player vs Player MMORPG developed by Epic Inventions and later acquired by Artix Entertainment that involves three classes: Tech Mage, Mercenary, and Bounty Hunter. Many people in this game record their characters pwning and then upload their kills onto YouTube.

Johnny: What are you doing?
Ysrome: Playing Epic Duel and uploading my pwnage onto YouTube.

👍77 👎23