Definder - what does the word mean?

What is artix?

A slightly superior version of an Arch user, one that recognizes system-d's bloated and slow nature. Artix users are often more quiet about using Artix than Arch users, and are often mistaken for them.

Person 1: God I hate listening to Arch users talk so much
Person 2: Same bro
Artix user: I use Artix not Arch
Persons 1&2: What is that?

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artix meme gif

artix - video


Artix - what is it?

A group that makes the popular RPGs AdventureQuest, DragonFable, MechQuest, and the immensely popular MMORPG AdventureQuest Worlds. At each of their releases the games were fun, but leveling up really comes down to monotonous grinding.
In the earlier days of Artix Games, the original games, AQ and DF were meant for audiences mostly over the age of 14. However, more recently, especially after the release of AQW, the communities of all of the games consist mostly of kids around 12.

I've reached the level caps for all of the Artix Entertainment games!

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What does "artix" mean?

systemd-free arch linux

Artix Linux Installer: DId you know that systemd is an agent

👍39 👎11

Artix - what does it mean?

Group of black hat exploiters / hackers that mess with websites like cool-math-games, and occasionally Roblox.

Hey, did you hear Artix screwed up that one cool math games game?

No, what did they do this time?

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