Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Elyot?

One of the worst people you'll ever meet. I recommend staying away at all cost, as the amount of hatred and idiocy they portray is unparalleled by any other person, they are quite good at games though. I can not go into detail about the immense amount of poor decisions and unhappy scenarios they create, that the description of an Elyot will have to end here.

Chad 1: Hey Ely-
Chad 2: (Cuts him off) Hey, we don't talk to him.. he is an Elyot after all.

👍27 👎13

Elyot - meme gif

Elyot meme gif

Elyot - video


Elyot - what is it?

A man with a massive penis and only likes ginger girls

Wow that's dude is so elyot

👍57 👎11