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What is Ella rose?

Ella Rose davies likes jed dorman hope they get married and shag their nans she also like mr tea spiller peccy school

Ella rose davies
jed: can u suck me

ella: yeah for a fiver

👍29 👎15

Ella rose - video


Ella rose - what is it?

Very sweet girl. Nice to everyone. Makes people smile.

Ella rose is the kindest person ever.

👍53 👎23

What does "Ella rose" mean?

very outgoing. crazy at times, but fun. She loves music, and likes always be around people.

Ella Rose is silly, but she is amazing .

👍165 👎23

Ella rose - what does it mean?

A sweet baby girl with brown/blonde hair brown/blue eyes she is gorgeous and everyone loves her. She was over due a couple of days cuz she was comfy in her mommys belly. But nevertheless she is the most beautiful baby alive. She is a February baby.

Brandi said "I wish I was Ella rose!"

👍111 👎53