Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Eicher?

Hitting a deer with your car

I Eichered the shit out of a deer tonight.

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Eicher - meme gif

Eicher meme gif

Eicher - video


Eicher - what is it?

someone who blows it all the time at whatever he trys

dude that eicher locked his keys in his car. he blew it

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What does "Eicher" mean?

Eicher- a foul smell of fish from the female genitalia

Omg guys can you smell jess? She's so eicher today.

👍35 👎15

Eicher - what does it mean?

A being so conceited he cannot speak to another being unless it is about how amazingly sexy and manly he THINKS he is.

Wow, look at John, he can't stop staring at his muscles in the mirror. He truly is an Eicher.

👍45 👎65

Eicher - meaning

The act of, or to take a crap in one's pants. Pertains only to the unexpected and fully adult homosapien.

"Dad I'm going to Eicher my pants...Dad I'm 18 I just Eichered my pants in your car."

👍61 👎55

Eicher - definition

A title given only to the manliest of men.

Look at those rippling biceps and billowing pectorals. He is truly worthy of being named an Eicher

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