Definder - what does the word mean?

What is E you?

The phrase "If e choke you go know" is a Nigerian Pidgin English expression that means "If you experience it, you will understand." It is a way of saying that someone will only understand something if they go through it themselves.

That was a very good performance by Wizkid, If e choke you go know.

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E you - video

E you - what is it?

Second-person plural of β€œyou”. Equivalent but more efficient way of saying β€œyou guys”. Analogous to Southern slang of β€œy’all”. Used by Italian-Americans and others in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states such as Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York.

What are yous(e) doing?

Where are yous(e) going tomorrow?

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What does "E you" mean?

A sentence used by Anaconda virtue in Lisa: The Pointless. Well, it's used in the Tibby Dobbs mod.

Use this to immediately confuse anyone who is outside of the fandom.

Person 1: "You e"
Person 2: "What the fuck are you talking about?"
person 1: "you e"
Person 2: "I hate you so much"

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E you - what does it mean?

(ee-fuhk-yoo) Noun;

1. An insult or intentional display of disrespect for another delivered in the form of removing the intended recipient from one's Facebook friend list.

If she doesn't respond to another message I'm so serving her an e-fuck-you.

How weird, I just got an e-fuck-you from my cousin!

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E you - meaning

The evolution of the phrase "I like you", often used by someone who's falling for another person. In this instance, the letters "ik" are dropped, and the space is left blank to demonstrate the intensity of passion between the two people.

(pronunciation: I el ee u).

The next level of usage would include filling up the two spaces with the letters "ov"; making the ultimate phrase "I love you".

"Fallon, I l e you"
"David, I l e you too"

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E you - definition

Phrase used when you don't really love someone, but are just using them

I l**e you

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E you - slang

The evolution of the phrase "I like you", often used by someone who's falling for another person. In this instance, the letters "ik" are dropped, and the space is left blank to demonstrate the intensity of passion between the two people.

(pronunciation: I el ee u).

The next level of usage would include filling up the two spaces with the letters "ov"; making the ultimate phrase "I love you".

"Fallon, I l e you"
"David, I l e you too"

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E you

A phrase you use instead of "F you" around your catholic friends or adults.

Lilly and Jocelyn are at school and Lilly decides to say "you have aids, Jocelyn!" Jocelyn is furious "E you!" says Jocelyn.

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