Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ENN?

danton enns is a bumm

danton enns is a peen

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ENN - meme gif

ENN meme gif

ENN - video


ENN - what is it?

the nicest person ull ever meet. she is a sweet girl who is willing to befriend anyone, and will help with just about anything from relationships to work. amazing friend who will always be there for u, and cheers u up when ur down with endless affirmations. she is down for whatever and is very spontaneous which makes her a very fun person to be around, and u won't feel bored around her. she feels and takes things more personally than she lets on, so be sensetive around her and don't do anything that might lead to overthinking. 10/10 would reccomend, excellent friend

person 1: have u seen that person no one likes? lee enn is so nice to her!
person 2: yea, she's so tolerant, what a lee enn!

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What does "ENN" mean?

A beautiful, gorgeous girl with the cutest dimples and brightest smile. Absolute girlfriend material, and should be treasured and protected at all costs. An intelligent woman with a sharp wit and not afraid to speak up for those she cares about.

Person 1: "Damn, look at Enn Qi go!"

Person 2: "What wouldn't I give to date her."

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ENN - what does it mean?

Name of Venezuelan Street Artist

Wow!! Enrique Enn made that canvas!

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ENN - meaning

short for β€˜ain’t it’ or β€˜isn’t it’, welsh slang

person 1: school is so shit

person 2: i know enne

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ENN - definition

Enn (also known as @cybiru) is destined to fall in love with the one, the only, Luci ( @xarantino)

hey do you know enn?

yeah, isn’t she married to Luci?

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ENN - slang

Enne is a term used for an attractive male with a fat, juicy ass and a massive horse schlong

You see Cameron over there? His nudes got leaked and he’s such an enne

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lemme hold some enns ill hit u back first of the month

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okay, your name is Jenna and you tried that TikTok trend.

Hey Jenna! Did You Do The TikTok Trend?

Jenna: yep it’s enn.

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enn is another word for a stripper with loads of money or someone who is hot

woah did you see that enn last night

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