Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ELISA?

the most beautiful girl in the world <3

by talena

elisa is the most beautiful girl in the world

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ELISA - meme gif

ELISA meme gif

ELISA - video


ELISA - what is it?

A mysterious girl, she’s very beautiful, smart and wonderful. She can be quiet with a person, or loud with a group, but know she isn't sure of what she wants in life. She is an awesome person to be with, and makes you desire to be with her when you’re not. She would deny any compliment you'd make about her, which makes her seem something that so many people on Earth could learn from; modest. She has guts, which sometimes makes her look naughty. (While she seems innocent at the first glance) Family is everything for her, and sometimes this takes the place of a friend. Sometimes she seems shy, but know that at that moment her world is upside down. Sometimes she can be hasty, judgmental, and too sure of her actions, but doesn’t everyone? She is very curious towards the future, though exceptionally hesitant to take action. Elisa is impossible, and you’re not worthy of her if you give up on her.

"Who is she?" "Oh. Her name is Elisa." "She looks cute, can you tell me about her?" "That's gonna take me one and a half year..."

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What does "ELISA" mean?

A very beautiful girl that doesn't understand what she truly is. Shes a diamond in the rough. She will truly be a great person when she gets older. Very pure. Honestly a great person. Very open yet secretive at the same time. The guy that ends up with her is luckiest man on Earth. Cute personality. Stunning smile. Gives others hope and joy effortlessly. Smart and works hard.

Man. Whoever gets Elisa in the future is one lucky guy.

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ELISA - what does it mean?

An absolutely, pretty, gorgeous, beautiful girl, whom is a fantastic singer!

Hi! I'm Elisa! You can still listen to my "Wonder Wind" album if you've missed my live (Hong Kong) concert! And a huge thanks to all of my wonderful fans, who I appreciate for being my amazing audience, no matter where they all are! Bye for now!

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ELISA - meaning

A very sexy girl that everyone wants to be with. Every guy wants to have a chance with her. She's pretty even when she doesn't try.

Boy 1: Did you get a chance with Elisa?
Boy 2: No I wish. I'm trying to.

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ELISA - definition

A beautiful girl that everyone is jealous off and she will meet someone from around another state and eventually fall in love with him

Damn look at Elisa I want to be like her

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ELISA - slang

A beautiful girl, amazing dancer, and can totally rock a messy bun. She is a great friend, and very protective. Also loves iced coffee.

Elisa is a queen!!!!! <3

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Elisa is the most beautiful-alluring person even if she denies it. She'll always reject compliments referring to her beauty. When you first meet her she comes out has a shy non-talkative person and usually puts on a bad mood. But once you get to know her, she is the most talkative and energetic person you'll ever meet. You can rely on her to be your diary, lock and key, and to cheer you up when your in a bad mood. She knows when something is bothering you when you feel pain and when your uncomfortable, because she can see it in your emotions. She is the most loyal person you'll ever meet. Even if you might do her wrong she'll try to work things out and give you a chance. So once you lose her you lose her forever. She is someone to keep by your side at all times, someone you should love unconditionally with all your heart. Elisa doesn't like fake people, so always be yourself around her and try not to lie to her because she will find out.

Elisa is a keeper, so never do her wrong

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The cutest, funniest , most kind and loving person out there. This person is beautiful in every way and form.

She's such an elisa. I love it!

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Really precious. Rare to find. Said to bring happiness and luck.

In Old Irish Folklore it is said that only he with the purest of hearts will find and hold on to Elisa.

"I just found a Four Leaf Clover in a field of Shamrocks !"

"Wow that's a real Elisa! Mind it, it will bring you happiness"

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