Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ELIOTT?

You’re probably some name a non-binary or trany would change their name to. Your name is cool. You’re very loud! Too loud sometimes, people ether love that or hate it. You’re so comfortable in your skin. No one can stop you when you put your mind to anything. You are not musically inclined, u can’t dance, you can’t sing, you can’t run, or doing anything with that kind of stuff. But you don’t care and try and fail anyway, it’s cool. You’re not embarrassed by “normal” things to be embarrassed about. You’re not afraid of heights, but afraid of falling. You care bout people a bit to much. You’re welling to do anything if it means to save a total strangers life, even if you won’t admit it. You’re handsome, smart enough, fit enough, beautiful. And you don’t give yourself enough credit. You would never go in the merrior and say “yeah I’m beautiful/handsome”. But you should. You know you secretly love your eyes, lips, noise (even if it is a bit big), shoulders, hips. You just don’t look at yourself and see it, but you should.
Your that one friend that knows a bit too much about sex. Your not afraid so say that. Your friends often come to you for help on stuff like that and you talk about it, and you have no clue why. But you don’t care. You’re pretty open about almost everything, will mostly say the truth (unless ur flirting gatta get that booty). You’re amazing though no lie. Love yourself more.

“Wow, Eliott is such a good friend helping me on that sex advice”
“Wow, Eliott is so cool”
“Eliott is really loud”
“Omg they reminded me of an Eliott, they’re so confident”

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ELIOTT - meme gif

ELIOTT meme gif

ELIOTT - video


ELIOTT - what is it?

objectively the best spelling of the name
a very sexy man

the most lovable boy youll ever meet

Eliott: just got top surgery
sam: congrats Eliott

👍25 👎11

What does "ELIOTT" mean?

Sexy, cool, sexy and sexy

Person 1: Eliott is Sexy
Person 2: Very Sexy

👍25 👎11

ELIOTT - what does it mean?

The most handsome and caring person you'll ever meet. He loves Gaga, friends, dancing, all the good things in life. He is constantly giving and fulfills contracts with those around him to his best ability. Buying drinks and cellphones for friends are not uncommon. If he is made fun of too much he snaps and emits an explosion of sass. In closing "he took his life from negative to positive" and "just wanted all of yall to know that" and the NOT a shit flap at all!

Eliott: Hey Cora I got you a JaggerBarrel!
Cora: Thanks Shit Flap! You're the best
Baylee: Cora you shouldn't call him that he's legit and that rudeness is not part of the CONTRACT
Cora: Whatever, I didn't wanna be 6 month exclusive with him anyway.... and Kristen will buy me one when she wils lotto max and splits it with Shit Flap

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ELIOTT - meaning

super awesome guy oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Eliott is awesome

👍41 👎13

ELIOTT - definition

1. The least conventional combination of l’s and t’s for the names "Eliot/Elliot/Elliott" that is somewhat more acceptable than "Elyot." There is usually a red squiggly line beneath this word in text editors.

2. A precocious boy who discovered, at quite a young age, that his name is an anagram for “toilet.” An Eliott is also an exceptionally skilled drummer, a connoisseur of music and comedy, and a friend of stray cats.

-"Gah, for the last time, autocorrect, my name is Eliott!"

-"You have an Eliott in your band? You guys must be really good."

-"I love Eliott, meow"

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ELIOTT - slang

Eliott is a guy who loves to share the wild side of life. He absolutely loves going on the sesh with some Chris Brown added to the mix. He is a ass guy hands down and whenever he's a nice piece of ass, there's no stopping him. He is very sensitive on the inside and whoever can capture his heart will allow him to spill his inner emotions. He's got so much talent, especially at drumming and rapping and if you ever meet and Eliott, you should never let him go because he is one unique individual who will make your day better within a second.

Josh: Woah is that Eminem?
Me: no that's Eliott

Josh: damn he's a god

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Man with a bick dick and has so much beauty he is the best human being and all the girls like him


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The most amazing guy in the world. The sweetest guy you'll ever meet. You can't help but smile when you think of him. He's unreplaceable. He gives the best hugs in the world. Sometimes you might question if he's sincere when he tells you that you're special or when he says I love you, but once you're with him he'll show you what he means. If you're lucky enough to get a guy named Eliot, don't lose him... he's irreplaceable

"I have the best boyfriend in the world!😊" "Is his name Eliott?😕" "Yassss" " Oh, well that makes sense👌"

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Fkn sexy, the only good spelling for the name and could be mistaken as god

Young woman: lookin’ good Eliott!

Eliott: thanks:)

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