Definder - what does the word mean?

What is EDGES?

Guitarist of the great Irish Band U2. Occassionally plays bass (during the song "40" primarily)

Did you hear that solo Edge just played in "The Fly"?

👍273 👎75

EDGES - meme gif

EDGES meme gif

EDGES - video


EDGES - what is it?

When wanking. The continual bringing to the edge of shooting a load but backing off to prolong the pleasure.

I’ve been wanking for hours and edging, man my balls ache real bad.

👍4547 👎1415

What does "EDGES" mean?

Real name David Evans, The Edge is the guitarist for the famous Irish rock band U2, known for his love of effect pedals, harmonics, "sonic soundscapes" and "less is more." He has a very minimalist style, so when he really rocks out in songs such as "The Fly" (from the 1991 album "Achtung Baby") the effect is far greater. Possibly best known for his intro to the song "Where the Streets Have No Name" from the 1987 album The Joshua Tree, which is essentially a four-note arpeggio done repeatedly but is regarded as one of the greatest intros of all time.

"The riff from that Vertigo song is killer! Who does it?"
"The Edge from U2. Personally I think The Edge's riff on Sunday Bloody Sunday is better, U2 aren't a new band y'know!"
"Right...but what kind of name is THE EDGE?!"

👍605 👎127

EDGES - what does it mean?

approaching the edge of sexual orgasm and withdrawing, usually several times, before finally achieving orgasm. meant to intensify orgasm, and for men, volume of ejaculate and force of ejaculation.

this applies to any sexual act and is not limited to masturbation.

My girlfriend and I like to edge before we fuck. She performs oral sex until I'm just about to cum and then we stop for a minute, preventing orgasm, and then we have intercourse. After edging like this our intercourse lasts longer and the orgasm in stronger.

👍4277 👎837

EDGES - meaning

not relaxed, nervous, anxious, edgy

Gina's a little on edge. She gets her test results back today.

👍725 👎123

EDGES - definition

To install Google Chrome or other web browser on a clean computer using Microsoft Edge.

"I will have to install Chrome on this new computer. If anyone needs me, I will be edging in my office"

👍187 👎37

EDGES - slang

Forcing someone to use Microsoft Edge

Damn it, Windows 11 won't come with Internet Explorer! Bill Gates is totally edging me!

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To edge is a masturbation technique (used mostly, but not exclusively by men) where you intentionally bring yourself to the brink (edge) of orgasm- but don't cum. Instead you stop and let the pleasurable feelings die down. You repeat this process of bringing yourself to the edge as many times as you wish. Although an orgasm is a 10 on the pleasure scale, the intense pleasure you feel while getting close to the edge is a 9... so by starting and stopping just before you cum you keep yourself feeling intense pleasure for as long as you wish, or until you orgasm, or your hard on goes limp. A sex partner can also edge you- usually by hand or orally.

I kept myself on the edge for an hour last night until I couldn't stand it any longer and had to cum.

👍3459 👎419


Getting seconds away from climax and stopping, waiting for a few more seconds then start again, do this a few more times then you are meant to have a amazing long climax and you feel great.

I tried edging and it felt amazing

👍6925 👎611


The act of someone holding their orgasm and then releasing it which leads into a more pleasant orgasm. This can be for self pleasant or with a partner.

Person 1: I love edging to your videos

Person 2: Dawg what 💀

👍4773 👎293