Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Duck bitch?

To Want To Fuck, But Not Fuck A Random Stranger. ;)

"Go Fuck A Fucking Duck You Bitch, I WANT TO FUCK YOU!"

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Duck bitch - video


Duck bitch - what is it?

The 'Bitch Duck' is a particular member of a group of close friends who are usually bros. The BD is needy, depressing, annoying, spiteful, grouchy, and most likely smells of cigarettes.

All the characteristics of a 'Bitch Duck' are related to the definition of a typical Bitch, but a BD only lives for attention. Some behaviors exhibited by the BD are crying about nothing, being flaky, trying to fit in to much, overreacting, paranoia, and last but not least... Getting shut down by members of the opposite sex.

The Bitch Duck originated from the popular show Family Guy in the episode Fox-y Lady.

Bro #1- Dude, Ben is so god damn annoying when all he talks about is his ex and crying.

Bro #2- What is his fucking deal? That ended like two years ago!
Bro #3 Yeah man, the dude is a total Bitch Duck. Lets go get drunk and fuck some hot sluts.
Bro #1 and Bro #2- Fuck yeah Bro!

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What does "Duck bitch" mean?

An ugly girl that you would fuck.

You: Hey, you see Tiffany's ass today?

Me: Yeah, saw her face too, she a duck bitch.

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Duck bitch - what does it mean?

1. A girl who has a big belly that pulls her forward and a large ass that sticks out, this makes her resemble that of a duck. Her having snaggle teeth would make her resemble a duck even more but its not a requirement.

2. A clingy, or ugly girl thats trying to stalk you. If you spot her at a bar before she spots you- then DUCK!

Girl: "youre an idiot".

Guy: "yea well with that big ass and stomach you look like a duck".

Guy 1: Yo man isnt that the girl over there whose been stalkin yo ass??

Guy 2: Yep thats "a duck bitch", ima ghost outta here for she sees me.

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Duck bitch - meaning


β€œMan that girl is a duck bitch fucking on the homies”

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