Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dubi?


A girl with a perfect booty, sexy body, and beautiful hair but under-impressive tits and--possible ugly--face who, in doggie style or like position, you would love to have sex with, but not in any other positions.

Guy: "Damm dude you see that girl; her booty is on point."
Reply: "But did you see her face? She is a total dubis."

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Dubi - meme gif

Dubi meme gif

Dubi - video


Dubi - what is it?

Duby is a man who knows his place knows his peers and is full 100% all American.

Duby loves America

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What does "Dubi" mean?

One huge friggin' kid!

Could in some cases be extremely hot and may be a part of a gang of hardcore thugz called the "KD Krew".

Holy crap Dubie is the biggest kid ever invented, yet he is so thugginly hot!

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Dubi - what does it mean?

Another term for marijuana that, let's face it, sounds WAY more ba than marijuana.

Yo bro! You been smokin that dubis?

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Dubi - meaning


Her: Omg shes such a dubi
Friend: what’s a dubi?
Her: dumb bitch

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Dubi - definition

1. Poor spelling of a word meaning joint (doobie) - influenced by college hijinx.

2. Dude who happens to show up when the bong fires up, but never buys a bag.

1. Hand me a dubie, i'm too poor to afford two "o"s.

2. Man, dubie must have a nose that can smell this skunk a mile away. Here comes dubie.

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Dubi - slang

side chick

β€œI don’t wanna be his dubi”

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Another was of spelling (doobie) but also accepted among teenagers as a slang for "joint".

Hey man, pass the dubie.

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Something you yell when you want to be obnoxious or can't think of anything to say. Usually yelled rhythmically.

Guy #1: "What's the square root of 49?"
Guy #2: "uhhh.... DUBI DUBI!!!"

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a lovely huggable cosy tou bear (comes from the Hebrew word: Dov, which its meaning is a bear)

I love my dubi, Dana never leave her Dubi alone.

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