Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Droping?

taking a shit, Bill Cosby is black

"I needa go drop off the cosbys."

👍81 👎41

Droping - meme gif

Droping meme gif

Droping - video


Droping - what is it?

To drink alcohol and smoke weed at the same time, getting drunk and high at the same time.

We was getting droped out at this party last night! I was f***ed up!

👍33 👎15

What does "Droping" mean?

to flirt with the opposite sex:
or to ''spit game''

differnt styles.:
to drop knowledge bueller style

is dum or ''wack''

to drop knowledge einstein style
is smart or ''on point''

man jacob droped knowledge on taylor this weekend
it was einstein style

bam droping knowledge

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Droping - what does it mean?

making sick passes on the bball court or fball field

yo chauncey was droping dimes against miami last night

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Droping - meaning

getting a dick in ur ass in the shower when u bend over

oh crap im droping the soap
(bends over and dick inserted into ass)

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Droping - definition

Dry-Droping is a term used when you come to wipe your arse after having a huge dump only to find that your arse is clean and dry.

Dry-Droping across the universe

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Droping - slang

means to drop something

i droped mat into the cnc mill and cut him up

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groping while drunk at the club

I was at the club droping a girl after sipping on bacardi

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1. when your new single just dropped and you feel too nervous about it, thumbs sweating and typo striking

2. a slip of the thumbs but you're too swag to be bothered with the autocorrection

block b new single, droped now

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the combination of dro and dope. meaning excessive awesomeness.

that shirt is so drope.

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