Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dragon fruit?

While your lover is on all fours the woman sucks a fart from his butt while jerking him off and fondling his balls.

Picking the ripest fruit of all I consumed the hot dragon fruit from him before we made love.

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Dragon fruit - video


Dragon fruit - what is it?

Asian Swedish Dragon Fruit Fish

See, I told you Asian Swedish Dragon Fruit Fish are real, Andrea. Stop disrespecting my culture.

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What does "Dragon fruit" mean?

An African woman’s vagina

Last night I had Monique over and that dragon fruit was on point..

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Dragon fruit - what does it mean?

A bougie kiwi combined with a strawberry

β€œBeb, what does dragon fruit taste like?”

β€œIt tastes like a bougie kiwi combined with strawberry.”

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Dragon fruit - meaning

a Dalmatian inside a dragon fruit!

made by-Moriah Elizabeth

"I searched dragon fruit Dalmatian and found nothing"

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Dragon fruit - definition

A god damn fruit that tastes very bland. Yet it is f****** expensive.

Me: Oh look! A dragon fruit for $5! Let’s buy it...


Me: Let’s eat!

Cuts fruit


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Dragon fruit - slang

A very decorative yet regretfully bland fruit originating from asian countries such as vietnam.

Underneath the bright unusual skin that resembles dragon scales lies a seedy flesh that looks like a large pale kee wee fruit. Though when eaten the texture may remind you of a pair. But sadly no taste.

Guy 1: "Hay look at this"

Guy 2: "What ?"

Guy 1: "its called Dragon Fruit, it looks well mad"

Guy 2: "Oh yeah hows it taste then ?"

Guy 1: "Bit shit actuly, like nothing on earth"

Dragon Fruit

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Dragon fruit

Just buy a fucking grape or a kiwi. It's basically the same.

Dragon Fruit

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Dragon fruit

A Dragon Fruit is a person who looks extremely attractive but has absolutely no personality, similar to how an actual dragon fruit looks magnificent, but has no taste whatsoever.

β€œHow bout that girl in Biology? Do you like her?” β€œNah man, she’s a total dragon fruit.”

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