Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dowg?

Hustles for his weekly cha chings but doesn't try to earn $M@G. He aint got no type, the only thing he likes is money and money. Never goes anywhere without that pimp slap and aint afraid to use it.

Person 1: Look at that slaya he is totally an Aiche dowg.
Person 2: I wish I could have as much hustle monayys as that doggy.

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Dowg - meme gif

Dowg meme gif

Dowg - video


Dowg - what is it?

a fat ass boih who's a wannabe cool guy, and he's black and fat, you must imagine him as an Indian boi who begs his mom for bamia.

fat boy , you are fat and dowg

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What does "Dowg" mean?

a ruthless nocturnal animal that graces the night with its presence. a party animal that cannot be stopped once it has begun its nightly ritual of boogying down. its call is a raspy, throaty, bark that can be heard from miles away. much like a pokemon, it merely barks out its own name repeatedly.
prone to crazy outbursts of madness when not allowed to complete its riual of getting trashed

"jush one mow fo the mange-dowg maen, jush one mow"

".........jush one mow maen....MANGE-DOWG!!"

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Dowg - what does it mean?

The creative director behind this actual website

Look, hes the papa dowg of the website

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Dowg - meaning

Music Dowg. Somebody that loves music.

A: Yo I'm a M-Dowg!
B: Yea Me too.

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Dowg - definition

a faggot who doesnt know shit about football
Glory Glory Man United
Roy Keane forever

I'm Papa Dowg and i like it up the ass

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Dowg - slang

dowg A best mate if u r a chav

e.g:yo dowg u down
another person : yeh im well down

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D: Dead O: old W: white G: Guy

A person who now is dead, but used to be an old white guy often of authority.

- Daamn dawg, that book has mad cultural relevance.

- Well Indeed, it was written by a dowg.

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usually is a player , talks to 2 or more females at the same time , always denies being one even when caught . will do his best to keep secret

De'Aveon is a dowg . Yesterday he was at Lindsey's house , but today i saw him with lisa

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Friend, buddy, etc.

What's up, dowg?

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