Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Indeed?

Kevin has obviously never lived in the UK, indeed is not youre word you son of a bitch, i hate you and hope you burn in the same ring of hell as hitler and Ghandi. Indeed really means: in fact it means "indeed", as in "in" "deed".

guy1: hey, dustin do you want to go get some tasty smooth pudding and run for president?
Dustin for pres in 96: Indeed

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Indeed - meme gif

Indeed meme gif

Indeed - video

Indeed - what is it?

When in a setting where you really shouldn't say naughty words -FUCK, especially.
You can simply say indeed instead... and it's basically like saying "FUCK YESSSS!" Only, polite enough for grandparents to hear and not have a stroke.

"Well, I decided to get you unlimited texting and a brand new car, oh, and a sculpture of cheese, like you always wanted.."


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What does "Indeed" mean?

A word to confirm a sexual act; Can also be used as a verb, to indeed. *Best used in a moan or sexual manner.

Emma: I'm horny.
Wes: Indeed.
Emma: Indeed my bodyyy.
Wes: I'm gonna indeed in your face. ;

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Indeed - what does it mean?

A Word Only Andy Phouphayry And Andy McDonald May Use.
Noone Else may use the word. Well I don't really care.

Anthony: Hey ninja , that kid is fat hahahaha.
Andy: Indeed

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Indeed - meaning

Macro used the word indeed when he is mad.. And he use the word indeed because he wants some sarcasm

your mom so fat when she goes camping the bear hide their food,indeed my friend

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Indeed - definition

Izaz's Catchphrase

Lovely Weather.

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Indeed - slang

The greatest word of all time. Must be used in all situations. Can be very happy or very grim depending on the way you say it. Used with alarming regularity by Youtuber DragonChild460.

"Lisa! I heard your grandmother just passed away."

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To Anglicise thereby reinforcing the validity of a response to any statement.

She: 'Iā€¦'
You: 'Indeed'

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Often used by chat whores. This word is used to agree with something in a professional manner. Also used to kill off a particularly un-interesting conversation, or to agree with a female without looking too conspicuous.

"Hey clonny, are you that guy that was wearing the blue and white jesters hat doing the monkey dance on the admin table?"


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a word used to make even the most innatentive moron sound borderline brilliant. The use of the word indeed can speak volumes of unquestioned smarts, and can suggest that the user has a great, expansive vocabulary.

Be warned, the use of indeed may cause some people to feel uncomfortable and less superior in the users presence, intimidated by their free usage of the word.

Did you watch the village last night?
We did indeed.

Have you finished your algebra homework from section 9.4?

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