Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dixie cups?

Substitute receptacle for sexual male fluids after a climax

Brett Dixie cupped Emily after unanticipated office sex

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Dixie cups - video


Dixie cups - what is it?

To date someone for awhile and then just crumple them up and throw them away like you do with a dixie cup after you use it.

Mark is really cool and buys me lots of cool stuff, but I really like David now, so I dixie cupped Mark's ass.

Damn, Jeff totally dixie cupped Jennie when he found out that she cheated on him with Greg.

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What does "Dixie cups" mean?

When you are taking a dump and your butthole is burning so much that you need to take a dixie cup, fill it with water, and pour it down your back so that it cools your butthole and taint.

After too many taco's at lunch Mike had to take a dump and needed a dixie cup heater to cool things down.

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Dixie cups - what does it mean?

when a guy cums into a girls cupped hand and she finishes by drinking the cum like a dixie cup.

Do you want a dixe cup?
i mean cuase if you want one ask shane
he will give you a Dixie cup

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Dixie cups - meaning

Cool; Awesome. Originates from San Diego, CA, and commonly used in Greensboro, NC.

"Man, we had such a fun time last night. Last night was dixie cup!"

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Dixie cups - definition

When multple guys jizz into a 'dixie cup' for a girl to drink.

Amanda swallowed that dixie cup like a pro.

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Dixie cups - slang

the 2 flavors (usually chocolate and vanilla) in a plastic cup with a paper lid on top of it. Most people eat them in the summer or with birthday cake.

MOM: Okay, Jonny, now you can have cake for dessert or you can have a dixie cup.
JONNY: I'll have a dixie cup.

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Dixie cups

Placing your genitalia inside the mouth of a Southern Belle while she sings "Sweet Home Alabama."

Man, when Delta Burke gave me a Dixie cup in 1993, it was the shit.

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Dixie cups

Frozen kool - aid

Iā€™m about to go to Candy lady to get a Dixie cup.

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Dixie cups

Boobs smaller than A cup

Her bra size is dixie cup!

Like the little dixie cups you use in the bath room.

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