Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Dirty Bomb?

A fart which is expected to be loud, deadly, and stinky. While it is all of those, along with it comes a surprise turd.

I was planning to stink up the class, but instead dropped a dirty bomb and ended up in the bathroom for 2 hours

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Dirty Bomb - video


Dirty Bomb - what is it?

A big old, stinky, steamy, custard brown, nasty smelling dump, capable of making a public restroom unlivable for hours at a time. Often found to be present upon the exit of a Kurz.

Man, I was going to drain the lizard, but Nick must have dropped a dirty bomb in there. The smell about knocked me over before I could get the door open!

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What does "Dirty Bomb" mean?

Meaning to leave a huge massive shit or performing the Shit Explosion in a person's house by purposely not flushing or cleaning after yourself.

Boyfriend: "Hey I just left a dirty bomb in your bathroom."
Girlfriend: "What's a dirty bomb?"
Boyfriend: "Go in the bathroom and find out."
Girlfriend: "OK."

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Dirty Bomb - what does it mean?

It is a small bomb that countains radioactive matter. When it explodes the nuclear matter is spread for a long distance. The short term damage is done where the bomb explodes. The long term damage is the development of cancer in many residents in the areas that the radioactive material reaches.

A dirty bomb is nowhere near as dangerous as an atomic bomb.

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Dirty Bomb - meaning

Sexual Act

To properly lay a 'dirty bomb' one must first deficate on their partner's chest (in between the boobs) and finally must slap the boobs together (inward) to launch the fecal matter all over the face and lower areas.

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Dirty Bomb - definition

A very shitty fucking game made by Splash Damage, truly fucking disgusting.

Me: I'm disowning you.

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Dirty Bomb - slang

When you intentionally unleash a nasty fart in in a small room like someone's bedroom or office.

I went to talk to my apartment manager and she was really rude to me, so I dropped a dirty bomb on my way out.


"Dude, someone just deployed a dirty bomb in here."

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Dirty Bomb

A dirty bomb is a devious tactical maneuver wherein one approaches foes, either openly or by stealth, before unleashing a bare-ass rectal toot and then running away.

It is called a dirty bomb because the air in the target area is thick with ass particles long after the perpetrator has fled the scene. Instead of radiation poisoning, this WMD leaves a signature plague of pink eye.

T minus 7 seconds for dirty bomb delivery. Goggles on, gentlemen. God help us.

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Dirty Bomb

A Power Bomb or IED performed by a man, woman, or creature sporting a mustache

We were doing power bomb's when Ron Jeremy came in and Dirty Bombed us.

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Dirty Bomb

To properly execute the dirty bomb, one must deficate on their partner's face from a vertical distance of no less than 6 feet.

"Yesterday, I dropped this wet-ass dirty bomb on this bitch's face from the top of the fridge; I was like 'bombs away bitch!!'"

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