Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Digressing?

A political strategy to get voters to lose focus on the most appropriate and potentially successful candidate that is most likely to achieve their political goals. and represent them in a political body. Typically voter digression is used in a general election where the strategy is to get the voter to vote for a candidate that will siphon off votes or create voter apathy. The strategist can throw an election even from a popular candidate by taking a few votes away from the most popular candidate or one which can win a plurality. In a presidential election this is even easier since we don't elect the president directly. So a politician can win the national vote by millions but lose a few states if enough votes are siphoned off and they have less votes than the main opposing candidate, which may have radically different political goals. Sadly if the individual voter digresses to a lessor candidate (that may get less than 1% of the vote) because they want their vote to count, but in the process deny the most popular candidate and the one closest to their values the ability to win, and in the process deny the majority of voters their right to be represented.

While many rightly complain about voter suppression, the loss of an election may be more attributed to voter digression, in the form of voter abstinence or the siphoning off of votes by fringe candidates. Voters often do not realize they are in effect denying those most closely aligned with their political views the right to vote, since voting is a collective process that can only be won by a majority or plurality.

👍25 👎11

Digressing - meme gif

Digressing meme gif

Digressing - video


Digressing - what is it?

A phrase used in order to:
1)sway the topic(salad) being tossed around
2)insult someone

Ha, you suck! Ah, but i digress, i really do.

👍105 👎199

What does "Digressing" mean?

If you are talking, but your first language is not english and you bet to differ.

I beg to digress, mate!

👍27 👎25

Digressing - what does it mean?

Imaginary circle one steps into when going off on a tangent during lively intellectual conversation.

They were having a rollicking discussion when he suddenly veered off topic. He made this all the more obvious by scooting his chair over just a titch and announcing that he was stepping into The Circle of Digression.

Sometimes referred to by insiders as the COD.

👍27 👎15

Digressing - meaning

This is what happens when you watch a video on YouTube, watch a suggested video shown at the far right edge of the screen, and another, and another until you end up at a video that is completely different from what you originally watched.

I want to see some Pokemon game glitches. I'll check YouTube. (One hour passes) Why am I listening to "You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)"? YouTube digression, I guess.

👍45 👎17

Digressing - definition

To deviate from the original topic of conversation, to go off topic. Typically one says this phrase when they realized they have gone off topic and decide to return to the original point.

Another definition is to return to an original point.

Man1: Yes yes I know I'm a slacker and an asshole, but I digress. We need to come up with a plan now. (bad example sorry)

George was doing so well with getting his grades up but he's digressed into that bad behavior of drinking and partying all night and not doing any work.

👍541 👎143

Digressing - slang

Imaginary circle one steps or moves into when going off on a tangent during lively intellectual conversation.

They were having a rollicking discussion when he suddenly veered off topic. This was made all the more obvious by scooting his chair over just a tish (titch, skosh, trifle) and announcing that he was now inside the Circle of Digression.

👍41 👎11


When the fluid levels inside your penis change all of a sudden. The act of cumming quickly and excessively.

My girlfiend jerked me off so bad that I digressed all over her face.

👍149 👎227


To go off-topic.

"Elephants are the only animals that can't jump... but I digress. Back to Physics..."

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When you're Ferda Boys, fighting chairs with hand paddles, and putting your ass in the fire.

I'm not sure what digressing even means... It's because you're fucking stupid.

👍27 👎15