Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Day by day?

(Verb)to post long, seemingly nonsenical rants on a message board because your ADD is acting up. Often annoys other posters and the offender is usually clueless.
See also tard

"Hey ((everyone)) i am all for joking and cutting with one another, however to me some folks have gone too far. In the last few days someone posted a picture of a fellow chatter here, then yesterday another person posted what was supposely three phone number, also yesterday i find out someone gave three one of my email addys. Folks this is just plain wrong!
In fact yesterday the moment i saw the posting of that phone number i reported it. So call me a tattle tale if you want. Its a known fact that three and i do not always agree however the point is three nor anyone else deserve to have their phone number. Picture or email addy given out without their permission.
I also want to say i am sorry to you again nancy for thinking that you may have given out my email addy.
Last but not least , yes its likely some of you will make fun of how i have worded this posting. Feel free to do so. I quit responding several weeks ago to those who choose to attack or mock me. I would rather chat with my friends here.
Have a great day everyone "
(((Take It Day By Day)))

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Day by day - video


Day by day - what is it?

A game for 'couples' in which one person is 'A', and the other is 'B'. When the couple is together, you start on an 'A' Day. Partner 'A' can choose any 3 articles of clothing on partner 'B' & they have to take them off when Partner 'A' tells them to. Also, on an 'A' Day, partner 'B' must allow FULL ACCESS to partner 'A's hands on their body. Partner 'B' may choose one article of clothing on partner 'A' that they must take off when told to. Lastly, Partner 'B' must do what partner 'A' tells them to for that day. When the couple meets again, you go to a 'B' Day, and everything goes the other way. Enjoy ;)

Girl 1: my latest flame was so prude, so I suggested a game of 'A' Day, 'B' Day.

Girl 2: and how did that go for you?

Girl 1: well he wanted to be Partner 'A' & boy was he a surprise. He had me half naked giving him a blow job in 5minutes

Girl 2: No Way!

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What does "Day by day" mean?

The day before yesterday.

Ex: Today is Sept 3.
Yesterday is Sept 2.
Day-fore-day is Sept 1.

Mom: Did you get a shower today?
Me: No, I got one day-fore-day

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Day by day - what does it mean?

A day to day girl is a girl who looks good one day and looks bad the next. Someone who is never consistent with their looks.

"I dont think I want to talk to her she is a day to day girl, she looked good yesterday but looks like a wookie today."

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Day by day - meaning

A state of mind,on daily a basis.

I live for each moment Day To Day In Society in a positive way.

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Day by day - definition

a relationship which occurs between a set number of days in the week, dedicating several days of the week where a person is considered to be in a relationship, and several days in which a person would be out of said relationship.

person a: let's have a day-to-day relationship
Vishal: okay, how does monday-wednesday work for you?

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Day by day - slang

Something happens continually, without interruption or stop.

It is raining from the morning.

Shit! how can we go out when it rains day in day out?

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Day by day

The day when an underage drinker and or alcoholic attains a fake i.d. that says he is over 21, which assumingly the individual already looks like he is over the age of 21.The person’s friends will use the phrase β€œThis truly is a day of days!” before during and after the person has used his brand new fake to purchase alcoholic beverages for his underage friends. The phrase β€œThis truly is a day of days!” comes from the underrated movie The Chronicles of Riddick usually known by heart by the one who is receiving the fake.

Deuce: Hey Tyler do you know what today is!?
Tyler: Isnt it the day scotty gets the fake???!
Deuce: YES! its the day of days!!
Tyler: It truly is a day of days!

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Day by day

(pronounced day tuh day) adj. regular, not special (used in a derogatory way)

That girl thinks she's all that, but she's just the day-to-day.

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Day by day

The greatest mantra, to help provide progressive assurance that all is well and hard work eventually pays off in the future.

Jeff: how will we get there?

John: day by day.

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