Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Damn damn?

A catch phrase used by the Evansville, Indiana rapper, Dee Duchess. Commonly used in the intro into to her song.

Hey, it’s Duchess, again, bitch! Damn damn damn! Ho! And another one. Mmm mmm mmm.

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Damn damn - video


Damn damn - what is it?

A phrase used by Evansville rapper DEE DUCHESS. Often used as an intro to a song and/or verse.

β€œIt’s Duchess, again, bi**h… damn damn damn..”

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What does "Damn damn" mean?

To express a great anger especially when you find the statue of liberties arm and torch half buried in a desert in the future where the planet is ruled by apes.

Planet of the apes : "We finally really did it. You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you. God damn you all to hell."

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Damn damn - what does it mean?

n. euphemism for oral, anal sex acts performed by black brothers.

Holla at cha boi and let's do the damned thing instead of just chillin' about it.

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Damn damn - meaning

Swear words are like liquor, only good when mixed with the same.

Where is the god damn god damn? god damn it.

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Damn damn - definition

Comes from the infamous scene on Good Times where Florida throws the punch bowl to the floor, says "damn, damn, damn!" and starts crying when grieving over James' death.

Today it can be used as a comical interjection, and Black folks are the most likely to get the reference.

Man: You caught my eye and I had to stop...may I call you sometime?
Woman: Thanks for asking, but I got a boyfriend.
Man: Damn damn DAMN!

I walked in the room and was like "damn damn damn!" from the pungent must that curled my nose.

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Damn damn - slang

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Enough said

Damn Damn

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