Definder - what does the word mean?


Nickname for Donald Trump.

Mueller is on the hunt for Dumblefuck and his minions.

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DUMBLEFUCK - what is it?

a dumblefuck is someone stupid

whats up dumblefuck

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What does "DUMBLEFUCK" mean?

The act of sex wearing a wizard robe and huge fake beard screaming did you put your name on the goblet of fire, not in any way asking calmly ala the books.

My partner has a Very Specific Kink, they require me to Dumblefuck them nightly.

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DUMBLEFUCK - what does it mean?

To be a total screw up to the point that you can get nothing right not even the basic daily events of your life.

Dominyk was once a capable working but lately he's been a real dumblefuck, not being able to clean his own room.

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DUMBLEFUCK - meaning

My stepfather; an extremely stupid, oblivious, and arrogant person. See dufubitch.

Man, my stepfather is such a dumblefuck!

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DUMBLEFUCK - definition

Adj. Verb. Noun. To, or the process of, being copulated or sodomized by Dumbledore. To be dumblefucked is to be sexually intimate with an elderly wizard who is a gentle lover. Grammatically flexible as in Fuck. Not to be confused with Dumbfuck.
Orign, English.

Ophelia: I am going to Dumblefuck you Tawny. Tawny: Shut up, you dumblefuck. Lance: DUMBLEFUCK! I just stubbed my toe.
Loveless: You are such a Dumblefuck.

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