Definder - what does the word mean?

What is DUBER?

Slang word for a foriegn lady when descibing a caucasion male with large genitalia

"what a big DUBER you have!"

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DUBER - meme gif

DUBER meme gif

DUBER - video


DUBER - what is it?

A small green midget who runs around naked mowing people's lawns.

B-Ry - Yesy, stop being such a little duber!
Yesy - OMG No stop i am not a little duber, those things are gross!

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What does "DUBER" mean?

A pre-puberty stage homosexual that has boundary issues amongst his own family. Not to be confused with a Puber, which is what he'll become after reaching puberty.

Duber enjoys being spanked by his own father just a little too much.

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DUBER - what does it mean?

Duber (DOO-ber) refers to the act of unwittingly entering a vehicle that matches the description of the vehicle that Uber is sending you, but which is not your ride.

"Last night I snagged a ride on Uber. It said it was sending a driver in a blue Honda. Two minutes later the car pulls up and I jump inside. Driver screams and I realize it's the wrong blue Honda."
"Damn, you got dubered."

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DUBER - meaning

A person, either male or female who is dirty, disgusting or of poor hygiene. Another word for a tramp, or a skanky person.

Example 1:
Student on the phone to his mum;
Son: 'Mum, I can't afford to wash my clothes so I just wear the same ones over and over again'
Mum: 'God! Your such a duber'

Example 2:
'Man, did you just lick your plate and put it back in your cupboard? Your such a duber'

Example 3:

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DUBER - definition

Kid at Landon with a hot mom.

Dude, it's Duber's mom, what a MILF!

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DUBER - slang

Duber is simply a dope dealer who's delivering.
Kind of like a Uber

I gotta duber this run.
Like I gotta deliver to serve
This one.
They got no wheels.

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A "Duber" (pronounced DOOBER) is an uber-douchebag. Duber is a word that can be used to describe a person who is far too douchey for the word "douchebag" to do justice to their character.

"So, did you tell Kevin it's over?"
"Yeah, I broke up with him yesterday."
"How did he take it?"
"That Duber keyed my car and shat on my doorstep!"

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a term for joints - can be used for any kind of weed, though.

I love dubers!
Lets smoke some dubers!

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Dudes only Uber where the driver of the Duber gets the passengers home happy by jerking them off.

David started a new business called Duber. He’s an Uber driver for only dudes and gets them home happy and has incredible forearm strength.

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