Definder - what does the word mean?

What is DOG BALLS?

when someone has big ole balls but a tiny little dick.

Nikki was so disappointmented with Jacob because he had those dog balls.

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DOG BALLS - video


DOG BALLS - what is it?

As noted by the U.S. Navy SEALS, when the leadership has left them "hanging out there like DOG BALLS", exposed and to their own devices.

"The best example would be when the government abandoned the four Americans at the Benghazi, Libya compound, by not sending any help. They left the four hanging out like dog balls."

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What does "DOG BALLS" mean?

When your scrotum is shriveled up and feels wrinkly and tight

Typically happens when it’s cold

β€œAh shoot I have the dog balls again!”

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DOG BALLS - what does it mean?

when your nuts get behind your thighs on the butthole side when your legs are closed. kinda of like "the brain" but instead of using your hand your legs are doing the work. very inconvenient when you sit down or someone hits you from behind.

guy1-dude what's wrong?
guy2-i sat down when i had dog-balls on accident.
guy1-Ooo that shit is brutal.

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DOG BALLS - meaning

In the poker variant of Texas Hold 'em, Dog Balls refers to holding pocket 8's (two 8's) as your hole cards. Superstitiously viewed as an unusually difficult hand to crack(beat).

I decided it was my time to go "all in" when I was dealt the dog balls.

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DOG BALLS - definition

An Eight on any single hole in golf.

Damn, I missed my putt. That makes it a Dog Balls

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DOG BALLS - slang

Something a person does just because they felt like it.
From the joke, "Why does a dog lick its balls? Because it can!"

I don't know why I got shit faced last night. It was just a dog ball thing.

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An alcoholic drink poured in a shot glass. It is chilled vodka with a splash of lime juice.

A celebratory expression to yell out when drinking dog ball shooters.

"Can I please order some Dog Balls for my friends"
You would say this to a waitress/bartender.

"Dog Balls!!" You would yell this out with your friends as you raise your glass to toast the drinking of Dog Balls.

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Something that is very, very cool.

Have you seen the video of the hunter being attacked by the deer?
Yeah, its the dogs balls.

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To get the short end of the stick; Short Changed


A greeting or term of enderment "Whats up Dogballs"


To phyiscally have canine testicals dragged across your face.

"Whats up Dog Balls"


"I was sposed to meet this honey at the bar and totally got dog balled"

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