Definder - what does the word mean?

What is DOGGED?

A four legged creature that loves to sniff butts, hump legs and roll in the nastiest stuff possible. Most are dumb as shit but extremely loyal and protective to people they like.

My boyfriend was such an asshole that I dumped him and got a dog instead.

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DOGGED - meme gif

DOGGED meme gif

DOGGED - video


DOGGED - what is it?

a godly spirit

she is that dog

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What does "DOGGED" mean?

A slang term; similar to Bro, Dude, Man.

Hey dog. How’s it going?

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DOGGED - what does it mean?

Not a cat.

Gotta love Blackadder.

"Definition of a dog: Not a cat" = Baldrick, Blackadder III (British comedy)

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DOGGED - meaning

A term commonly used in Australia when referring to a person who frequently commits acts considered unacceptable in his/her friendship group

Brian ditched the lads again today, what a dog!

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DOGGED - definition

Dogs are angelic creatures that deserve love and respect. Dogs are sweet and they love their owners and their owners love them back. Anyone who abuses and doesn't like dogs is a cruel monster and should go to hell. Dogs are innocent and beautiful in their own way. There is no such thing as a mean dog.

Person A: Aren't dogs the sweetest?
Person B: I know, they really are. I love dogs.

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DOGGED - slang

an animal that is like a wolf tamed or not tamed

The dog ran through the door to meet his owner that he last saw 2 years ago.

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1. Your best friend
2. Your friend to lean on
3. Your companion
4. A big fluff ball of love
5.cant open its mouth to judge you

6. Protects you

7.the one you can cry on
8. Sit down and talk to him/her and she will listin
9. He/she loves you the most and would die for you

10. dog means love

Dog- your my best friend

I'll die for you.

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A furry potato

My dog is great

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to work like a dog, push yourself (or it) to the limit

This is derived from phrases such as β€œI am dog tired.” and β€œI'M GONNA DOG YOU β€˜TIL YO’ TONGUE HANGS OUTCHO MOUTH LIKE A RED NECKTIE!!!”.

Cyclist 1: …ya ready to pack it in?
Cyclist 2: Let’s just dog it over that next hill…then we can pound a few brewskis.

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